*REQUESTED* MCR - Gerard Way

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I Trust You 

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You'd known Gerard since birth, quite literally because you were born on the same day and your mums were in the same hospital ward. And since that day you were inseparable. Gerard was always there to stand up for you when you got bullied in elementary and then in high school.

He asked you out the first year of high school and now the two of you were still together in your final year. Gerard was in a band with his brother and a couple of friends and they were great, you had high hopes for My Chemical Romance. You didn't know what you wanted to do with your life so somehow you ended up as the band's merch girl, promoter and tour manager. The guys joked that it was because Gerard didn't want to be away from you which you found sweet.

Band practice was over and you and Gerard were lying on his bed watching a movie. The two of you had hugged and kissed but never had sex. Well, Gerard had drunkenly after the two of you took a short break from each other halfway through high school after arguing. You took him back and were now worried because he was more experienced than you.

"What's on your mind love?"

Gerard stopped stroking your hair and you looked up at him before biting your lip.

"Gerard...I think I want to...lose my virginity to you...like right now..."

"Are you sure baby? I don't want you to feel pressured."

You chewed your lip some more before making a decision.

"I want this Gerard, I trust you."

Gerard's face lit up as he tried to keep his excitement under wraps, boys were horny creatures.

"Err okay. If you want me to stop at any point just say so y/n. I want this to be special for you."

You were with Gerard which already made this special. He kissed your lips asking for entrance and you granted it to him. You kissed back as he climbed on top of you and straddled your waist.

His hands played with the buttons on your blouse and his eyes locked with yours as if asking for permission. You nodded and he had it off in no time. You help him take off his before discarding it and attacking his lips once more.

His hands moved down your body and you jumped slightly feeling his fingers slip underneath your skirt and start to palm you.

"You're not going to be a tease are you Gee?"

He smirked and shook his head before slipping two fingers inside you pulling a moan from your lips.

"Do you want something bigger babe?"

You nod.

"Please fuck me, Gee, "

He removes his fingers and licks them in front of you, you find the action more arousing.

"You taste delicious y/n."

He rummages through his bedside table until he produces a condom, at least he was going to use protection. You weren't quite ready for baby Gerard's running all over the place. He slides down his trousers and boxers before sliding it on with ease. You help him by taking off your underwear.

"Are you ready y/n? Remember say stop and I'll stop."

"Yes, Gerard Way."

He slowly pushes his dick inside you trying to be gentle but it was painful at first. But after a few minutes, the pain subsided taken over by pleasure.

"Harder...faster Gee..."

He picked up the pace thrusting harder. He found your G-Spot and you moaned loudly, thankful that his parents and brother had gone out. He continued to pound against your G-Spot.

"I'm close Gee...I love you so much..."

"I'm close too baby..."

After a few more thrusts you felt a warm knot in your stomach as you reached your climax. You both came at the same time moaning each other's names. He pulled out and lay beside you discarding of the condom.

"That was amazing y/n. I didn't hurt you did I?"

He wrapped his arms around your waist and cuddled against you. Damn you had the sweetest boyfriend.

"Of course I'm going to be slightly sore after my first time Gee, but I wanted this remember. I'm happy I got to do it with someone as caring and gentle as you Gerard."

You snuggle against his chest and turn the film back on. Gerard kisses the top of your head.

"You're my queen y/n and I'll only ever treat you with love and respect."

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