FOB - Pete Wentz

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Stop Biting Your Lip


For as long as you could remember you'd always had a bit of a biting kink, nothing overly sexual but more like love bites and biting lips. However you'd never told your boyfriend of two years Pete, you thought he'd find it odd. But recently Pete had been stressing about the next tour for his band Fall Out Boy and with stress came a lot of lip biting, which turned you on.

The two of you were on the sofa cuddling and watching a movie on Netflix having a rare night off. Pete had his arm around your waist and your head was resting on his chest. Every now and then you'd look up to see Pete biting his lip as he tried to concentrate on the movie. You just wanted to kiss him, maybe even bite his lip.

"What are you staring at babe?"

Pete's question caught you off guard and only then did you notice how long you'd been staring at his lips. You blush and bury your face into his chest.

"I wasn't staring."

Pete chuckles and brings your face up to meet his. He brushes his fingers along your lips softly.

"I know y/n."

You raise an eyebrow, what was he talking about?

"Err Pete, what are you talking about?"

He smirks before biting his lip again; the realisation then dawned on you. He had somehow found out about your biting kink.

"y/f/n was drunk, I bit my lip and she asked me how you coped? She told me that it turns you on along with love bites. Why didn't you tell me y/n?"

You start to play with your fingers blushing like mad, "I thought you'd find it, odd babe. I didn't want to freak you out but I've struggled while seeing you stressed about the tour. You bite your lip a lot and we don't really have any time for each other anymore."

Pete strokes your hair, "how about we change that y/n?"

He tugs on your waist and you take the hint. You sit upright before crawling onto his lap and straddle his waist. You wrap your arms around his neck and capture his lips quite forcefully.

"God I love it when you take control y/n."

You chuckle against his lips before biting down; Pete jumps slightly before he mirrors you and bites down on your lip tugging for dominance. You happily let him take back over, especially when his lips move to your neck and his teeth graze your skin pulling a moan from between your lips.

"You're going to have fun with this aren't you Pete?"

He nods before biting down on your neck. You were happy that he knew because now your relationship could have a new spark. It also meant you were going to wake up with marks claiming you as Pete's, and unfortunately you were out of cover-up so a scarf would have to do when you left the house for the next couple of days.

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