Requested by demdifferentstories
Lost In Love Pt.1
"Come on James no fair, you cheated."
You throw down the controller while James does some stupid victory dance, which you found very sexy. Yes, you had a small crush on James, but nothing would ever happen because all he saw you as was the younger sister of Matt Nicholls.
Bring Me The Horizon and Asking Alexandria were touring together around the UK and you'd known all the guys for years. The only new addition was Denis, who like James you had a small crush on as well. While James playfully flirted with you and treated you more like a little sister, Denis was more open with his advances which made you feel special.
"Is little Nicholls going to cry? I can make that frown disappear."
Your eyes widen, whenever James said that it meant only one thing.
"James no—"
You were cut off by James lunging at you and pinning you down beneath him on the sofa before he starts tickling you. James knew all your weak spots and exploited them. No matter how much you squirmed James overpowered you. This didn't feel like one of your normal tickle fights, there was something more intimate about how James was to you.
"Say James Cassells is the sexiest man alive and that you love him, and he's a better drummer than your brother."
You gasp and shake your head "I'll say you're the sexiest man alive and I love you, but I must stay loyal to my brother Cassells."
James laughs and releases you; he helps you back up and pokes your nose.
"What do you find sexy about me y/n?"
You shrug your shoulders and tug at the sleeves of your oversized jumper you'd 'borrowed' off Danny when he was still part of the band.
"I guess your eyes, also your tattoos because I did a couple of them, definitely your muscles and I guess the one thing I don't love is the way you say drums."
You can't keep the smile off your face as James acts hurt, he knew you liked the way he spoke but it was just so funny to mess with him.
"And here I was going to say all the sexy things about you y/n."
"Wow, James are you really that desperate for compliments you have to force y/n's hands?"
Both you and James look up at the door where Denis stood smirking, god you found his smirk attractive. Denis sits down next to you and casually puts his arm around your shoulder, and you notice James staring daggers at Denis making the situation a little uncomfortable. You pick up your phone and pretend to look at the screen before escaping Denis's arm.
"I just got a text from my brother, he wants me back on their bus so I'm going to have to love and leave you guys."
Both boys pout and you quickly gather your things and peck each of them on the cheek before leaving the lounge area. Your brother hadn't messaged you at all.
"What the hell Denis, you always bloody do this."
You stop in your tracks, what was James mad at Denis for? You sneak back towards the lounge to eavesdrop.
"What do I do James?"
"Every time I'm alone with y/n you always show up just when I'm about to tell her that I love her. You're a cock block, Stoff."
James was in love with you, why didn't he say anything? You thought he only loved you like a sister, but this changed things. Denis laughs drowning out your thoughts.
"Yeah treating her like a sister, smooth Cassells. What if I love her too? Why do you think I cock block you?"
Okay, this was more than you bargained for, both the guys you liked kind of liked you back. Talk about confusion, you needed advice and fast. You pull out your phone again and fire a group message to both bands minus James and Denis to me you on your brother's bus. You also message Danny to Skype, even though he was no longer in Asking Alexandria you saw him as another brother figure who gave great advice.
Band Imagines
FanfictionBand Imagines! Because why the hell not! I'm not picky when it comes to band *NO 1D FOR THE LOVE OF GOD* so I'm pretty open :)