*REQUESTED* Ash Costello

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You're My Girlfriend


Tonight was the night your girlfriend came home after touring for the last three months. You'd met Ashley Costello through your mutual friend Chris Motionless at a Halloween party and after three dates Ash asked you out and you said yes. There was only one problem, neither of you had made it official online because Ash wanted to protect you from the hate. But that meant you had to deal with watching people and fans both male and female flirt with her, and Ash could be a flirt right back which got under your skin.

"y/n babe I'm home."

Ash's cheery voice rang through the shared apartment and you all but leapt off the sofa nearly sending your laptop flying because you wanted to see her in person and not on a screen.

"Ashy, I missed you so much."

You throw your arms around her and she laughs at your eagerness before bringing her lips down on yours and kisses you quite roughly. You match her intensity before pulling back and smiling like an idiot.

"I missed your kisses, Ash."

Ash sighs and strokes your cheek.

"Next time you're coming on tour with me y/n, that way I can kiss and cuddle you whenever I want. I'm sorry for the over the top interviews, I didn't want to flirt but everyone thinks I'm single."

"Then we tell the world about us, you're my girlfriend and I'm yours, Ash. Screw the hate, I want everyone to know that I'm the only one that gets to kiss your kissable lips and sleep by your side every night."

Ash chews her lip unsure about the idea; you found it cute how much she wanted to keep you out of the public spotlight.

"Are you sure y/n? I don't want you to feel pressured."

"My laptops on, we'll do a YouNow. I'm a big girl. Come on."

You drag a reluctant Ash towards the lounge and pull her onto the sofa next to you before retrieving your laptop and opening your YouNow account. You both go on your social media and alert everyone to the live stream.

With each passing second a couple more hundred people tune in, you made YouTube videos and were pretty popular so a lot of your fans tuned in. The comment section on the side soon starts to flood with comments asking why Ash Costello is in your lounge which makes you both chuckle.

"I don't know how she got in guys; I really should lock the door."

"Oh shut up y/n you love me really. Besides viewer this isn't just y/n's lounge, it's actually ours."

The comment section started going slightly crazy, some fans asked if we moved in together as friends while others slowly put two and two together. Ash had her arm draped around your shoulder as you lay against her chest with the laptop balanced on your lap.

"We should put them out of their misery babe; see what I did there with the word misery? I'm such a joker."

You turn to face Ash and shoot her a 'WTF' look before poking her nose.

"More like Harley Quinn love."

"That's why you love me y/n."

She closes the space between you and kisses you again, she cups your chin and you part your lips giving her entry before kissing her back. In the background, you could hear the comment section lighting up.

"Oh look y/n, I think people know we're more than friends."

You look down at the screen and smile and notice all the positive comments. The hate was few and far between, but the majority of your fans were ecstatic.

"Yes world, Ashley Costello is my girlfriend and I love her very much. Now we haven't seen other in three months and have a lot of catching up to do, so I'm going to cut this live stream short. Thanks for the support and spread the love."

You click stop recording and put your laptop aside before being pulled onto Ashley's lap so that you're straddling her. She reconnects her lips with yours and you moan as she moves towards your neck and starts to trail small kisses in between little bites.

"We should take this catching up to the bedroom y/n. We have a lot of days to make up for."

You nod, just happy to have your girlfriend back and finally have the world know of your relationship. The video of you two kissing would be all over the internet tomorrow, but together you could face any hate thrown your way by ugly jealous people.

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