you tutor him

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guys my girlfriend is really cute help mE


she reads these sometimes so happy anniversary babygirl

one whole year c':

I love you princess c:

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you tutor him
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"michael, this is simple grade nine math." you giggled.

"please just help me, I need to prove to luke that I could've graduated if I wanted to!" he pouted cutely.

"fine, mikey. it's not that hard, look, remember what we did on the last question?" you asked him.

"whatever you do to one side of the equal sign, you have to do to the other." he mumbled.

"and to get x by itself what do we have to do to the 17x?" you smiled at his cuteness.

"divide it by 17." his eyes lit up when he realized he was doing it right.

"so x equals..." you encouraged.

"dunno, what's 85 divided by 17?" he asked.

"it's 5, mikey." you laughed.

"so x equals 5!" he said excitedly, "I can do grade nine maths!"

"I'm proud," you smiled and he leaned in to kiss you softly, mumbling against your lips, "you're the best tutor ever."


"this is boring," luke whined, "I hate maths."

"luke, you're amazing at math. we're working on history." you shook your head.

"then why are there numbers?" he questioned.

"that's the year the war was, love." you giggled.

"I hate this," he groaned, flopping backwards so he laid on the bed.

"luke." you warned.

"luke is dead, sorry." he said with his eyes still closed.

"lucas robert." you shook your head.

"he can be revived... with a kiss." he said, opening one eye.

"I don't know... would a pillow to the face work too?" you joked but still moved your books and straggled his waist.

you leaned down and kissed him passionately, all of the homework forgotten.


you laughed until your stomach hurt at the lame joke ashton told you.

you had been forced to tutor the quite, shy boy in your science class. his grades were dropping while you had the best mark in the class. you had spent so much time together, the two of you were basically inseparable.

you giggles as you threw candy at him, "you're the worst tutor ever." he told you.

"then why has your grade gone up by 20% in one week, hmm?" you teased.

"now, look at this..." you said to him, trying to get him to focus. you were explaining something about plant cells (ashton wasn't listening) but all you could feel was his eyes on you.

"and the... the, uh, pythagorean theorem..." you said as you looked up at him only to make eye contact that made your stomach erupt in butterflies.

he giggles quietly, "I know my grades are shit, but I'm pretty sure that's maths, not science."

"yeah, I just, I um... what were we talking about?" you said and immediately blushed.

he just kept smiling and looking at you, "can I kiss you, y/n?"

"please," you nodded and leaned in.

he kissed you softly, not knowing what boundaries were. he gently rubbed his thumb on your cheek before pulling away. your lips were still touching yours when he whispered, "you know, I asked the teacher for you to be the tutor," and he attached his lips back onto yours.


"and then you just find the square root of the number because... calum are you listening?" you asked, watching him rummage through his bag for his cigarettes. he found one before lighting lighting it and holy shit you couldn't take your eyes off of him.

it was such a cliché, the bad boy and the innocent, cute girl who got good grades. you were forced to tutor him, only for feelings to develop.

"hmm?" he looked at you, cigarette between his lips.

"a-are you listening?" you stuttered because the way he looked at you made your stomach flip and your heart skip a beat.

"no, not really." he smirked.

"calum I-" you started.

"wanna make out?" he cut you off.


and then his lips were on yours.

"mm, fuck" he mumbled as he pulled you into his lap.

the two of you were sat under the bleachers in the soccer field, not worried about pda.

you continued to sloppily kiss him and you ran your hands under his shirt, running them over his chest and abs.

"you're so hot, y/n, fuck." he said as he moved to your neck and sucked a love bite.

and that's how it went for weeks. you would try to study, he would smoke, you would make out, study a bit more until dark and then you would wear his leather jacket as he walked you home.

the two of you stayed strictly study partners, however, rarely talking during school hours.

until one day he ran to you while you were getting a water bottle from a vending machine.

he came up to you, pressing you against the vending machine and kissed you hard.

"guess what? I got 90% on my maths test!" he said and kissed you again.

"congrats, i knew you could do it." you told him honestly, pecking his lips.

"mm, be mine, please." he said against your lips before he kissed you again sweetly.

"of course." you whispered against his lips.

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bad boy calum fucks me up


I'm at work lololol

love u


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