you're sick

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double update. now do you love me? Probably not. Me neither.

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What he does when you're sick

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When you were sick, Luke would cuddle you nonstop. He wouldn't leave your side. He insisted that, "Lukey is you're blanket. I'm your Lukey blanket and you need me." He would snuggle up to you and give you kisses on your cheek and temple, stroking your back comfortingly.


Calum would be very helpful when you were sick. Every 5 seconds ((of summer)) he asked you if you needed anything and he wouldn't take "Cal, I'm fine." as an answer. He would cater to your every need, no matter how embarrassing or pointless it was. You would finally convince him that all you needed were cuddles and he would nuzzle up to you and kiss your neck and collar bone.


When you were sick Ashton was the sweetest. He would make you soup and get a bunch of Disney movies for you to watch together. He would build amazing forts out of blankets and pillows and hung up fairy lights to set the mood. He would cuddle you while 'The Little Mermaid' was playing and you would end up falling asleep in his strong arms.


When you were sick, Michael would play his guitar for you. He would play all your favourite songs and if he didn't know one of them, he would look up the chords on the internet. You would always try to get him to sing but he refused. You would beg and beg, but he said he didn't have a very good voice, although you disagreed. ((and so did the rest of the human population)) You would finally pull the, "Please Mikey? It would be the best medicine for your girl." and he would cave then start strumming an Ed Sheeran song.

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I'm sad

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