the past (luke)

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it's 1:00 am and I just got this idea randomly ok

it's not really a "love" thing but it's... hard to explain. just read.


the past (luke)


Luke still couldn't get it through his mind that he had finally made it.

He couldn't comprehend what was happening and how it happened so fast.

He didn't know why his band was so successful and why his adoring fans supported him.

He needed it to be shown to him. He needed someone to prove to him that it was real.

And who better to do that than himself?



Luke entered the empty hotel room alone, setting down his luggage on the feathery, white bed sheets that were gracefully draped over the mattress.

He ran his hand through his soft hair that was falling out of its regular quiff after a long day of constant work, the light hair covering his forehead. He loved his job, he really did, but it was overwhelming at times.

When he hit the button that caused his video to post on the internet, he had no idea it would lead him to where he was and he still didn't understand it.

"Excuse me?" Luke heard a small voice say. The voice seemed all too familiar and he had no idea why.

He turned to see the person whom the scratchy voice belonged to and he was left in awe.

"W-What?" Luke managed to blurt out when he saw the person.

"I'm, uh, I'm luke... also known as hemmo1996, I guess." The small lad said.

"I know," Luke nodded, still in complete and utter shock.

"I woke up here and, um, I for some reason feel like, uh, I need to say goodbye to you?" The younger version of Luke said.

Luke almost chuckled at the awkwardness of his fifteen year old self, "Do you know who I am?" He asked.

The smaller of the two shook his head, the fringe (that Luke regretted sporting) fell in front of his eye.

"Well, I'm-uh-you, I guess." And maybe younger Luke almost chucked at the awkwardness of his eighteen year old self.

"This is really weird," Fifteen year old Luke laughed lightly.

Luke bit his lip ring (which younger Luke though was really fucking cool of him to have) as he thought, "I have to show you something." He finally said.

He grabbed the younger boys small hand and lead him downstairs and into the lobby of the hotel.

Outside of the hotel stood adoring, wonderful fans. A lot of them. They laughed and talked to each other, a large portion of them sang 'Disconnected' at the top of their lungs. They sported shirts with the bands logo on the front and just looked happy overall.

"Are they...?" Young Luke trailed off,

"Our fans? Yes." Luke answered.

"You mean... we made it?" Fifteen year old Luke stood in shock.

Luke nodded and bit his lip, "Yeah, we did."

They walked back up to the hotel room in silence, both of them letting some things set in.

When Luke opened the door, his younger self was left in surprise yet again.

"Oh, there you are, Lukey. I was looking for you."

Young Luke's mouth was wide open as the mystery girl gave his older self a peck on the lips.

"Lukey boy, this is Y/N." Luke said.

You looked to young Luke and was taken back. You immediately recognized who it was.

"H-Hi, Luke." You chuckled at the blushing fifteen year old.

"I, um... whoa." He stuttered out.

"I know, right?" Older Luke chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"So we really make it?" Fifteen year old Luke looked up at the two of you, blue eyes shining brightly.

"We do." Luke nodded.

"And Mikey, Cal, and Ashton?" He asked.

"They go on the amazing journey with you." You nodded.

Younger Luke looked at his hands for a few seconds then back up at you.

"I guess this is goodbye then?" He asked Luke.

"I guess it is," Luke breathed out.

"Don't forget me..." Fifteen year old Luke mumbled, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Luke shook his head, "Never."

And with that, his fifteen year old self faded away, leaving Luke with the love of his life, his band, and their success.

He never forgot that first video he posted and he never forgot his fifteen year old self, just as he promised.

Luke finally let it set in. He finally understood,

he made it.

* * *


bad becca, why must you make people cry?

I want Halsey to adopt me


- becca

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