he plays with your child

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Can I just point out last night I said thanks for 40 reads... ya there is 90+ *sob*

I know I know, that's not a lot. but it MEANS a lot. so thanks guys.


Theme: he plays with your child. *HIS P.O.V*


"Babe I'm going out" I hear Y/N say. I stand up and give her a hug and kiss.

"Okay babe, see you later!" I say and she leaves.

I hear faint crying and so I follow the noise.

I open the door to my 3 year old daughters room and see her upset with a blanket in hang.

"Aw, Rosie, love what's wrong?" I ask her giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"M-mummy c-c-can't p-play with m-meeee" she cries.

(( can three year olds talk this well? Whatever just go with it))

"No she can't darling she had to go out but daddy's here and he'll play" I reassure her.

"N-no you c-can't play p-princess" she shakes her head.

"Well that's because im not a princess. but I'm a prince" I tell her smiling.

I stand up and hold out my hand. "ma'am, my i please have this dance"

She looked up and smiled "you may" she giggle.

I pick her up and spin her around and around while she laughs uncontrollably.

After about an hour we were now having tea.

"What's this? someone stole my princess?" I hear Y/N

"Shes my princess now" I tell her.


I was sitting outside on twitter when something hit me in the head.

After I regained my balance I I looked over to my son, Aden who was hiding behind a tree.

"You have a hard kick for a 5 year old bud. you think you can take me on in football?" I said picking the ball up.

He came out from behind the tree and ran at me.

For the rest of the day we wrestled and played football.

I ended up loosing but it was worth seeing the smile on Aden's face.





"Yes kids?" I ask, rather annoyed.

"Teach us to play the drums!" Sam yelled.

"Yea! yea!" Katie agreed.

I laughed and put each of their little 4 year old bodies on my lap.

I hand each of them 1 drumstick and told them which drum the hit.

After about an hour Y/N came home.

"Are you playing drums guys!" she asked enthusiastically.

"Yea!" they cheered and showed their mom what they had gotten so far.

"Is it just me or did daddy teach you 'heartbreak girl'?" she smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I sure did, now who wants to show uncle luke, uncle Cal and uncle mikey?" I asked.

"Okay!" Katie said.

"Ill text mikey" y/n said and left the room.

"Okay guys from the top" I said and they started playing.


I smirk at the shirt I see in the baby section of the store.

'Rock on' in pink letters.

I look over to Y/N and see her looking at dresses which causes me to make a face.

My baby girl is NOT going to be a girly girl.

"Hey babe, why don't you go shopping for yourself. Ive got Bella." I tell her

She smiled "thanks babe" she kisses me and walks off.

I grab a few more outfits, some jeans and other 'rockstar' shirts and head to the bathroom and change Bella into her new outfit.

Believe it or not I found some baby converse and I picked up a little play guitar for her.

Shes my little rockstar now.

I called Y/N

((bold: you
italics: Luke))

"Hey babe"

"Hey so Bella being fussy i'll take her home you can shop and go to the spa"

"What about the car?"

"It's like a 10 minute walk, Bella needs fresh air, we'll walk"

"Okay... are you up to something"

"What? oh uh no."

"Haha okay babe see ya."


I walked home quickly and got Bella dressed.

I gave her the guitar and took a picture, posting it on Twitter Facebook and Instagram.

I also texted it to the boys.

I played guitar to Bella, hoping she would figure out at least how to strum.

When I heard clapping I turned to see y/n.

"So this is what you were up to? turning our daughter into a rockstar?" she smirked

"Shes the 5th member I 5sos!" I told her


Sorry if this is bad guys.
I'm really tired but I felt like updating.


Love you sooooo much.


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