girly tasks

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also, I want to write a soulmate one shot, so let me know if you would like that :)

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girly tasks

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You were currently straightening your hair, getting ready for a night out with Ashton but you couldn't reach the hair that was at back of your head. Sighing in defeat, you called Ashton's name. He ran up the stairs in record time before coming into the bathroom where you stood helplessly with half straight hair. "Can you help me get the back of my head?" You asked, sighing. "Sure thing, princess." He smiled and took the flat iron out of your hand. He went to work, somewhat knowing what he was doing, letting fetus Ashton (straight hair and all) take over. "Wow, you actually did a good job and you didn't burn either of us." You said in surprise. "Yeah, well I have experience," Ashton said, pulling out his phone and showing you an old picture of him. The two of you laughed before you said, "That's not as bad as mine." You showed him an old picture of you and the two of you laughed even harder. "You were still beautiful." Ashton laughed lightly and kissed your lips softly.


Your cramps were unbearible at the moment. You happened to be on your period and to your luck, you were out of tampons. You trued changing into a decent outfit and even put on a bit of makeup in an effort to make youself look less zombie-like but your cramps were keeping you from wanting to go anywhere. You sent a quick text to Luke, even though he was home, you were just too lazy to get up and find him or even call his name. He came running upstairs in a flash and asked, "Baby, whats wrong? You texted me saying there was an emergency." He looked paniced. "There is. My cramps are really bad and im out of tampons." You told him. "Then go buy some." He furrowed his eyebrows. "But baby, my cramps are killing me." You whined, knowing he wouldnt say no to your pout. "So?" he asked. "May you please go out and buy me some?" You asked. He sighed, "do I have to?" "Yes," You said sternly. "The things I do for my girl..." He huffed and walked over to the bed, giving you a lingering kiss on your lips and a peck on the forehead. "Feel better, darling. I'll be back." He said before walking downstairs, yelling that he loves you with all his heart as he walked out the door. (of course he came back with loads of movies and sweets along with tampons.)


You were walking hand in hand with Calum in the mall, taking advantage of him having time off. You hoped that if he was spotted, the fans would be polite enough to respect the fact that he had limited time with him, although you respected that he meant a lot to them as well. As you walked, you lead Calum through the people trying to get to the store you wanted to go. "Where are we going?" He puffed. "You'll see," You giggled and continued to pull him to your destination. "No." Calum shook his head when you arrived outside of Victoria's Secret. "Cal, I just need a couple of bras and then we can leave." You tried. "There's no way in hell i'm going in there." He said, backing up. You grabbed his wrist and pulled him body toward yours, pecking his lips softly mumbling, "I'll let you pick one out..." against his lips. He gulped at the thought. You continued to kiss him, trying to convince him to go in the store. It soon became too much for him to handle and he agreed. You spent hours trying on bras (and modelling them for him) until he picked out one that wasn't very clean...


You had been applying foundation on to your skin, just as you did every morning, when michael walked in."Whatcha doin'?" He asked in an adorable voice as he sat on your shared bed. You turned in the chair that sat at your makeup table and said, "Putting on my makeup like I do every morning, Mikey." He was quiet for a few moments, "You don't need makeup, y'know." You sighed, "You say that everyday Mikey, yet i'll still put it on regardless." You laughed a little. "I know and its stupid. You should listen to me. You're pretty wthout it." He was quiet for a few moments before speaking again, "Can I at least help you?" He asked. "How?" You questioned. "let me do your makeup. I want to." He said and went to stand in front of you. "Okay, fine." You said slowly and handed him the brush. You guided him through everything, making sure he didn't ruin your makeup or anything like that. After applying a small amount of lipstick he pecked your lips sweetly. Pulling away he grimaced slightly, "That shit tastes terrible, how to you put it on your lips everyday?" He asked. You giggled, "I usualy don't, you took it upon yourself to put it on me." "Well it looks hot." He mumbled before kissing you again, regardless of the taste of the lipstick.

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wuddup party people

fun fact: I was going to end this at 100 parts when I first started but we're already over 90 parts so I don't know anymore

i hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

all i've done is watch American Horror Story and listen to Bring Me The Horizon.


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