birthday (calum)

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(guys i drew calum and yeah i drew him shirtless cos hot damn)

i was gonna do smut but then i was like nahh

does get a bit heated, not really :)

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birthday (calum)

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(i know it's summer in australia as well as calums birthday but yolo, they're gonna be in school) (also, imagine this taking place in the 90's with all the fashion and music because im watching a shit load of 90's movie at the moment)


it wasn't that you didn't have any friends, you had a few really good ones and that was that, but even they were more popular than you were. they had more friends than you could count and somethimes you felt left out because you didn't get along well with the others.

you were simply considered unpopular and uncool. you didn't really mind, this only made you more thankful for the friends you did have.

this was why you were so amazed when the luke hemmings gave you an invitation to a party.

you were starstruck looking into his blue eyes.

"hey, y/n, right?"

holy shit, he knew your name.

"yeah... yeah." you nodded. he flashed his charming smile and leaned in closer to you,

"we're throwing a suprise party for calum --"

oh yes, calum. the captain of the soccer team. the brown eyed, tanned skin god, calum hood. calum was the definition of hot and everybody who was somebody knew it.

"wanna come 'round, then?" luke asked after he was explaining that it was calum's birthday and that you should be there or be square. he then leaned in impossibly closer, as he looked into your eyes. you sat, frozen, with a lump in your throat. he simply sat the paper on the table that was in front of you before flashing you another signature smirk and walking away.

you inspected the invitation as a million questions floated around in your mind.

what would you wear?

how would you get there?

what would happen at the party?

maybe you shouldn't go. besides, no one would actually call you a square, right?

even if they did, quadrilaterals are cool.


you decided to go to the party anyway because yeah, quadrilaterals are not as cool as they seem.

you got into your rusty old car, parking it a block away from your actual destination because you didnt want anyone to see the embarrassing, red vehicle.

you saw the house, music blaring, kids already passed out on the lawn even though it was barely 9:00 pm. when you got into the house you were greeted by a high pitched voice and too much perfume.

"hi, luke!" she slurred. you recognized her as a girl amed cindy who was in your maths class.

"my names y/n, uh, and im a female. luke's over there, though." you said slowly, looking over at luke who failed to flirt with a girl as he tripped over his own left foot. he wasn't even holding a drink, hell, he wasn't even drunk, he just couldn't flirt.

'"y/n?" the girl looked as though she sobered up.

"yeah." you said.

she narrowed her eyes slightly, "i'll be right back..." and she was off.

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