his favourite thing about you

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I don't know what to say

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his favourite thing about you

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your eyes

calum would stare into your eyes all the time (he easily got lost in them). he loved how they looked when you wore certain colours. he loved they way they lit up when you talked about something you loved and he constantly tell you how much he really did love them.


your hands

ashton loved everything about your hands. he loved how small they were compared to his and how they fit together when he held your hand. he loved how soft they were and he loved to leave kisses on the back of your knuckles.


your voice

luke loved your voice. he loved when you sang (whether you were trying or not). he loved the funny voices you could make. he just loved hearing you talk and he loved the way your voice sounded on tape and over skype (even though you hated it).


your lips

michael loved your lips so much. he loved them when you smiled and how you bit your lip (it made him quite excited). he loved how soft they were. he loved how they looked when you wore no lipstick and he loved to kiss them whether it was just a peck or a make out session.

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- Becca

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