weird (michael)

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400k reads and 5k votes brb throwing myself into an active volcano.

Can we just all have a 400k way marriage

So Calum got blonde highlights and um he totally stole my look.

KI have dark brown hair and blond highlights like EXUSE ME

he still wears it better oh

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weird (Michael)


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Have you ever judged somebody before you even knew them? Seeing them with no friends and assuming they are just weird? Well this is what the whole entire school population thought of Michael.

That was until you showed up. Of course, everybody warned you to stay away from 'that Michael kid'. The truth is, you believed them at first. You stayed away from him because he was just weird. He dressed differently, talked differently, he had fucking rainbow hair.

All of this changed though. In an instant, actually.

"Sit down and pull out your homework!" Your English teacher bellowed.

Michael then rushed into the classroom with his head down. He went unnoticed by everyone except you.

"M-Michael?" You asked, hoping to god that you got his name right.

He looked up, slowly and cautiously.

"I-I was wondering if you had the answer to question 2." You spoke carefully.

He didn't respond, only shoving his paper towards you so that you could copy off of it.

He didn't talk much. It was weird. He was just weird.


Lunch soon rolled by. You say in your usual spot but this lunch was different.

You couldn't take your eyes off of Michael. He made you feel weird. He was weird.


After school you walked home. You saw Michael walking too.

"Michael, hi." You said as you approached him.

"What do you want?" He asked, voice gravely from his self mutation.

You were taken back. You didn't expect him to talk to you.

"I need help with my, uh, music class. You see, I'm playing guitar and I need help with it. You're in my music class and I've seen you play. Could you help me?" You asked.

He nodded silently, rolling his eyes slightly, and motioned for you to lead the way.

You sighed as you walked past him. He acted so weird. He was just so weird.


Soon, you were sitting in your room, him holding your rental guitar on his lap.

"I mean, you should already have the C chord down but G is a little trickier." He went on, showing you chords and strum patterns.

"Michael, why don't you talk?" You blurted out, not thinking.

He looked up from the guitar and sighed, putting it down gently.

"I do talk, just not to people who I hate." He told you.

"So you don't hate me." You felt accomplished.

"That doesn't mean I like you, though." He laughed.

You fake gasped, "I'm offended. I invited you into my house and I get verbally abused by some kid who has pastel coloured hair?"

He looked down, a small smile on his face.

"You have a nice smile." You whispered, not thinking.

His head shot up and you covered your mouth.

Fuck, you thought.

He reached out and removed your hand from your mouth, "So do you." He said.

After a few minutes of silence he spoke, "Why are you being nice to me?"

"Because you're being nice to me." You whispered back. When he didn't respond you kept talking.

"I hear what people say about you around the school. They're all wrong. You're not weird... just... different." You said.

"People just don't understand me." He sighed.

"People don't understand me either, Michael." You shook your head.

"I mean," You went on, "Look around my room... I have band posters everywhere. Most girls have pictures of Justin Bieber but I don't. I have a huge collections of comic books and video games, while other girls have endless amounts of those teenybopper magazines. I adore pizza but all the other girls only eat half a fucking salad. I'm like you Michael. People think I'm weird and different but I like it that way."

"I don't think you're weird" Michael shook his head.

"You don't?" You asked.

"No because I'm just like you. The other guys drive cool cars to school while I skate board. They have two girls hanging off their shoulders while I've never even kissed a girl. The have perfectly, blond, quiffed hair while mines a fading shade of an ugly purple." ((*everyone turned and looks at Luke and his hair with a disapproving look*))

"It's not ugly." You mumbled.

"What?" He asked.

"Your hair colour. It isn't ugly." You said louder.

He gave you a small smile.

"You've never kissed a girl before?" You asked after a period of silence.

He shook his head, embarrassed.

"I've never kissed anybody either." You confessed.

He looked up slowly and you both leaned in.

"You're weird, but so am I" You whispered, "And I love that about us."

With that, you connected your lips together in a slow, passionate kiss.

The kiss was wonderful. Sure, you bumped noses and teeth a couple of times but you couldn't blame each other.

Once you pulled away you both smiled.

"That was..." You started

"Weird." He finished for you.

"But perfect..." He went on.

"Perfectly weird." You smirked before leaning in again.

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This preference was...

*waits patiently for you to respond 'weird' so we can be cute like in the preference*

um I kinda broke my iPod (which I write on a lot) so idk when the next update will be sorry

I also kinda already started making this into an actual book but I haven't posted it yet oooops

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