3am thoughts

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((also thinking about making a book of these))

I just find it so weird that today will end, just like yesterday did, y'know? you'll never get it back. ever. yesterday is over and it'll never happen again and it's just weird. it's just gone forever. it just leaves while your sleeping. so like, if you have a bad day and you refuse to make it better, you've just wasted that day and you can't take it back no matter what. but also, if you have a bad day you just had to remember that it will be over and it won't come back and tomorrow will be a brand new day. you can either make something really great out of it or waste it but either way it will be gone, and a new day will start. and after the day ends, you're one day closer to everything. every day that passes you get one day closer to meeting the person you will fall in love with or finding the one thing in life that makes your life worth living because I promise that will happen. but also, we get closer to bad things. we get closer to dying and that's fucking scary. so you can look at it in two ways, I guess, it's either good or bad and maybe that's why we have good people in our world and we have bad people because they either look at days as being over forever or they look at it as a new day starting and they either look at life as getting closer to dying or getting closer to something amazing and making the journey amazing as well. so you have to live, remember the good things in life, be happy. you just have keep moving forward.

5sos even said, tomorrow never dies, but yesterday? it's already dead.

the past is in the past and once it's gone, it's gone forever.


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