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*unedited, oops*

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L U K E:

Dubstep was blasting and bodies were dancing.
The air was foggy around you, everyone was buzzing with energy and drunkenness.

You and the 5sos boys decided to go clubbing.

You didn't want to go, but Calum and Michael convinced you.

"Go out with us and forget your problems, just get drunk, Y/N!" Calum said.

"Maybe Luke with find it hot," Michael smirked. You've liked Luke since the day you met him and your feelings just get worse by the minute.

You downed yet another shot, then stood up. Calum's and Michael's words floated around in your head.

"Forget about your problems..."

"Luke will find it hot..."

Not having control over your brain or body, you climbed on to of a table and starting dancing.

Calum and Michael watched you, smirking.

Luke had his back to you, talking to Ashton, however Ash saw you and watched as you swayed to the music quite sexily.

He tapped Luke's shoulder and pointed towards you.

Luke stopped mid sentence and turned, seeing the crowd around the table you stood on.

He saw you and instantly his mouth dropped open.

You danced along to the loud club music with people cheering you on.

You took your hair out of its high ponytail and shook your head. Luke felt something in his stomach when you did that.

You were sweaty and hot but Luke thought you never looked more perfect.

He thought the lights hit you perfectly. Your hair was a wavy mess as you shook it and smiled moving perfectly with the music. Your crop top showed your stomach and your shorts showed just the right amount or your legs.

Calum and Michael smirked at his reaction. His bottom lip in between his teeth, his eyes slightly wide as he looked at your body up and down.

"Luke," Ashton breathed, and Luke just nodded, not taking his eyes off of you, "You like Y/N, right?"

Luke finally peeled his eyes off you, "Y-Yeah..."

"Make your move before any other guy does - Fuck - before I do, mate." Ashton said.

Luke looked at Cal and Mikey. They just nodded in agreement with Ashton.

Luke made his way through the crowd and finally climbed up and onto the table where you danced, "Lukey!" You squealed, "Dance with me!"

Luke danced - kind of - he was quite awkward but he tried his best.

"u-um Y-Y/N I need to tell you something!" Luke yelled over the music.

"You can tell me anything Lukey!" You yelled.

"I love you!" He yelled any you stopped dancing, suddenly becoming way more sober.

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