after work

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K it's like 1:30 am where I am. so last one... I'm on a writing spreeeeee!

Love you to the moon and back lovelies.


Theme: He does something nice for you after you work.

Luke: you came home exhausted from work.
"Babe I'm taking a nap" you sigh

"What about dinner?"
He asked

"Really? I come home from 8 hours of work and that's the first thing you say to me?" you huff and walk upstairs


You were woken up by Luke.

"Babe come down stairs" he whispered and you follow him.

You were surprise when you saw a candle lit spaghetti dinner.

"I felt bad for what I did before and I wanted you to relax and enjoy yourself" he told you.

You spent the rest of the night laughing and joking around with each other before you went to bed and fell asleep in his arms.


You got home from work but couldn't find your boyfriend anywhere.

You were upset considering you wanted to spend the night with your boyfriend.

You walked into the bathroom to see a bath ready with rose petals and candles everywhere.

"I thought you would like to relax tonight babe" you heard him say and you turned around seeing Michael standing there smiling.

"Thank you so much mikey" you said kissing him.

"I'll be downstairs making dinner love" he pecked your lips and left.

You sink into the warm water as it relaxed your muscles.

You really did have an amazing boyfriend.


You were very stressed out about your job, and were particularly exhausted today.

You walked into your room to see cal standing holding his guitar.

"Hey babe" he smiled

"What are you up to?" you asked.

"Why don't you lay down and I'll play you some songs"
He grinned.

You laid in your bed and listened to Calum play the instrument and you listen to his mesmerizing voice.

After that he joined you in bed and you fell asleep together.


You entered your house and went straight into the living room.

You saw Ashton sitting with blankets and a stack of movies.

"Tired love?" he smile and you nodded.

"Well I have set up a movie night for us." He told you

"Wow babe... thanks" you smiled pecking his lips.

"You pick a movie and I'll make popcorn" he smiled and left the room.

You chose to watch 'mean girls'.
You snuggle up to Ashton and watched the movie.

Sooner than later you weren't paying attention to the movie because you were in a make out session with ash.

"I thought you were tired. you wanna sleep?" he asked

"Nope" you simply said connecting your lips with his.


Sorry Calums was short. So was Lukes. and Michael's. k Ashton's was too. Oops.

I wanted them to be longer sorry.

But I'm soooo tired so I'll go. Love you sooosososoosososososoosos much


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