texting the wrong thing

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I actually have nothing to say.

Um enjoy

Riley made this so it might be hard to do so (LOOOL JK ILY TEXAN SATAN)


~ Becca

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Me and Becca (Ew) were texting and I got this idea
Sorry Internets been down so school is my only way to send this
(Ps the bold letters is of who you were going to text)
Sorry if it's terrible #Swag

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Ashton: (Your Best Friend)


You just told your best friend that your husband put a baby in you (that's one way to put it, Riley) and doesn't know. You have been trying so this would be fun to tell him. You type into the phone and send this:

"(y/f/n) how do I tell him do I just go up to him and say HEY WERE GUNNA HAVE A KID?!"

You heard thumping coming upstairs the doom slammed open scaring the living shit out of you. It was a hot sweaty Ashton (JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL) He ran up to you grabing your waist you could feel his hot breath on your neck.

"You're pregnant?" He asked you took you face out of his neck and gave him a surprised look.

"How do you know that?" He giggled and showed you his phone and on the screen was the message you meant to send to your best friend.

"Yes congrats daddy!" He growled since he did have a daddy kink and kissed you.

(he totes has a daddy kink)

Michael: (Best Friend)

You and Your best friend were going swimming. Michael was on tour and you were depressed so she was trying to cheer you up she sent you a text saying

"Girl go check out some boys get drunk cheer up!"

You send her a reply saying

"I like my boyfriend, remember him? ya, I am not going to check out some boys!"

You return to your movie and you hear you phone get a message you see a text from your boyfriend, Michael.

"You better not be checking out boys... love you!"
You laugh to see you sent the wrong text to Michael.

Collum Hoof: (Mother)

You were talking to your mom about Calum since your mother was still not happy about you dating. She sent you a text saying

"Y/N, you could do so much better"

You were furious. You sent her a text back

"Mom Calum is perfect and treats me right. I love him so that's all you should care about."

Tears roll down your cheeks. Calum was on tour so he couldn't help you. your phone vibrated you expected a text from your mother but it was Calum

"Y/N, you're perfect and I love you! gtg on stage!"

You smiled knowing your boyfriend cared and for being stupid to send him the text.

Luke : (to LUKE but sent to Ashton)

((Kinky Riley is kinky ~Becca))

You and luke were having a sexting battle and it was getting intense. He was winning he sent you a text that made your insides melt so you just had to beat him. you sent him this

"Mhh yah but would rather just have me as a meal?"

You smirk and sent the text a few minutes later you got a text from Ashton

"y/n, I would love that but sadly, that's LUKES meal!"
You scream in embarrassment.

* * *

Luls its gunna be awko taco next time you see Ashton.

Hehe taco.



if you love them, I love you.

Update coming soon <3

- MashtoningNarry & 5saussies

aka The Texan Satan & The Canadian Jesus

aka Riley & Becca

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