woman crush wednesday

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it's Thursday but whatever

you're his woman crush wednesday


it was a wednesday night and michael had invited you to his place to watch some horror movies, claiming that he was in desperate need of cuddles and neck kisses. after telling you that you were the only woman who is ever allowed to be in his mancave, you settled down to watch a movie. you had laid your head in his lap and after three movies, you fell asleep only to be woken up by michael's neck kisses to see that michael had tagged you in a tweet:

@michael5sos: my #wcw is this cutie right here <3 @y/t/n

along with the picture attached.


you heard ashton talking to himself and immediately knew that he was taking a video for the fans. you felt his eyes on you and you looked up from your book to see his phone's camera pointing at you, "what are you doing?" you asked him. "you're my woman crush wednesday, love." he smiled showing himself in the shot of the camera too, "say hi to instagram." he told you. "hi instagram," you waved. "how does it feel to me my woman crush?" he asked. "well..." and you started a speech (being cut off in the middle of it due to the video ending) that made the fans laugh and comment about how funny you were.


your boyfriend, luke, was away on tour at the moment. you were in your room, browsing the internet when your twitter notifications started blowing up. you knew that luke had probably tweeted you, so you checked. you were right. you read the tweet and butterflies flew around in your tummy,

@luke5sos: my #wcw is this beauty (she was cute even in fourth grade) @y/t/n

with an embarrassing photo of you from when you were nine or ten.

you replied with:

@y/t/n: @luke5sos its sunday, babe <3


after deciding to let calum make dinner one night, you sat down at the table to a plate with amazing looking burgers. you gasped happily, "thank you, thank you, thank you!" you pecked his lips at least ten times before picking up the large burger and practically stuffing your face. (little did you know, calum had taken a picture of you.) after dinner calum took your plate leaning down and kissing your cheek softly, "check your twitter." and sure enough there was a tweet.

@calum5sos: this is what i look for in a girl ;) my #wcw at her finest, i think

and there was the picture of you with the burger.


comment some good movies? --preferably from the 90s ;)--

love u ^3^


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