broken (luke)

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sorry for not updating in a while but I'm convinced that I'm slowly dying.

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broken (Luke)

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Luke watched as you starred in the mirror in total disgust. He hated the way you looked at yourself. He wanted to make you believe that you were extremely beautiful and he was determined to do that.

"Y/N..." Luke said.

Your head snapped toward the door where he stood.

"C'mere." He sighed then picked you up bridal style before carrying you into your shared bedroom.

He laid you down before taking off your pyjama shorts and tank top, leaving you in your undergarments.

"Luke what are you-" Luke cut you off with a kiss.

"When you look at yourself you don't see what I see, okay? I see beauty in everything you do and say," And he began to kiss your cheeks, "You think your cheeks are too chubby, but they're beautiful."

He then kissed your shoulder, "Your shoulders are perfect," He kissed your neck, "Your neck is perfect."

He kissed down both arms before turning them over and kissing the faded scars, "You think the scars are ugly but they show how strong you are. They show how strong you are and they show how you're winning the battle, babe."

He kissed your fingers, "Your hands are perfect and they fit perfectly in mine," Kissing your belly he said, "Your stomach is anything but chubby. It's perfectly flat and I love it."

He kissed your hip, just above the band of your undies, "Your hips are beautiful." And your thighs, "Your thighs aren't big, no matter what you say. They are perfect."

He trailed kisses down your legs and on the tops of your feet. He played with your toes while saying, "And your feet are perfect, even if you think they're too big for your body." ((I'm literally a small girl (like, 5'2) with size 8 feet onfjajaha))

He then went back up to your head, playing with your hair he said, "Your hair is perfectly silky and wonderful to play with."

Your eyes fluttered shut as he kissed your eyelid, "Your eyes are the most beautiful mixture of colours and I love them."

He kissed your nose, "Your nose is so dainty and cute, even though you can't see that."

He kissed your cheekbone, "You're not wearing makeup right now and let me tell you, you have never looked more beautiful.

"You may be broken but you're beautiful, perfect, amazing, smart... I could go on for ages..." He pecked your lips softly, "I love you and you should too."

"thank you." You whispered, trying to contain the tears that still managed to spill.

You may have been broken, but Luke fixed you.

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yup... slowly dying

- Becca

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