welcome home (calum) -mature-

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this was written by

she's my smut expert and we agreed that licking Ashton's v line would be amazing





It's been months since you last saw Calum. He had been away on tour for some time now and you couldn't wait to see him. You couldn't wait to kiss him, to feel his touch, and to just be with him.

He was due to be home any minute. You were setting up his favourite meal when the door bell rang . Excited and overwhelmed, you rush to the door and flung it open to reveal Calum.

As soon as he saw you, he placed his hands on your hips and pushed you against a near by wall, shutting the door behind him with his foot.

His lips were quickly attached to yours. You tangled your hands in his hair and pulled slightly, releasing a moan from him.

He ground his hips against yours, causing you could feel his hard on. His hands slid down to your bum. He pulled away from the kiss,
"jump" he breathlessly groans then reattached his lips to yours. You do as he says and jump, wrapping your legs round his waist in the process. He pulled away from the wall with you both still kissing. He makes his way up the stairs to your bedroom. He kicked the door open and pushed you on the bed. He then straddles your waist, moving his lips to your neck. He sucks and nips at your sweet spot making sure to leave a mark. You move your hands to the bottom of his t shirt tugging it, signalling that you want it off.

You both take turns, practically ripping each other's clothes off until your both just in underwear. You arch your back as he unclips your bra and flings it across the room. He dips his head taking one breast in his mouth whilst palming the other.

You tug his boxers down his legs releasing his hardened length. He kicks his boxers off when they reach his ankles and quickly pulls down your panties. lines up at your entrance, giving you one more sweet kiss.

He inserts himself into you giving you time to adjust. He thrust in and out pulling your leg over his shoulder allowing him to go deeper.

Your walls clench around him and you both moan, riding out your highs together. He kisses you softly then rolls onto his back.

He pulled you into his chest, he whispers " I love you so much y/n."

You smile sleepily, "welcome home... I love you too."

You both drift off into a well needed sleep with your head on his bare chest. His heartbeat lulled you to sleep.

Everything was perfect because Calum was finally home.

* * *

yay so smut

it's so awkward for me to edit these juSTSTSJEK

yah, just a 14 year old virgin posting smut about four guys I've never met. this is my life.

send me your writing and I'll post it on here!

kik: blamebecca

- becca

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