he does something sweet

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damn school.


But here's a chapter.

The requests are coming :)


Theme: he does something sweet for you

*his P.O.V*

Y/N plopped on the couch with her face red and puffy.
The hate has been getting to her a lot lately and it makes me so sad.

I quietly sneak out the house and drive to the store and grab as much ice cream as I can, making sure to get every flavour, considering I can't remember hers, but she won't find that out.

I drove, smiling at the fact I just spent 50 bucks on ice cream for my girl.

I then go to the video store and rent loads of Disney movies.

When I got home Y/N was sleeping so I woke her up with a kiss.
When she opened her eyes they were still red and puffy.

"Look what I got" I said showing her what I had bought.

"Choose your favourite flavour of ice cream while I put in Toy Story" I smile.

"But I wanna watch Nem-"
She started

"NO" I said jokingly and she raised an eyebrow.
"I mean no... Way are we watching, uh, toy story when we could watch... Nemo!"

"Smooth" she smiled and we watched movies and are ice cream... and kissed, until we fell asleep.


You got home from work and sat on the couch, but on the back of the remote there was a note.

'Valid for one Free kiss'

You smiled and went to the kitchen and found another note.

'Valid for one free movie night'

Giggling you put it in your pocket.

*next day*

You woke up and rolled over, frowning when you remembered Luke had to record at the studio today.

You went downstairs, humming a random tune, when you got a bowl.

((GOTTA HAVE MA BOWL GOTTA HAVE CEREAL . sorry my inner Rebecca Black is showing. which is funny cuz my names Rebecca. HAHA no? k.🍕))

You found yet another note.

'Valid for one cuddle xx' it said

You ate and went upstairs and picked out another outfit, finding yet another note.

'Valid for one free pizza!'


When you heard the front door shut you ran to him handing him all the notes.

"Can I use them all at once?" you asked

"Okay so we can order pizza, watch a movie, kiss, and cuddle." he smiled.

And you did exactly that.

*his P.O.V*

Y/N has been really stressed lately, shes finishing up school, shes she just finished exams which she said she probably did terrible at and it's really gotten her down.

Since she was all finished, I decided to do something nice for her.

I made her kinda burnt bacon and scrambled eggs.
The eggs were good, it's the only thing I can cook so if I ever have to make a meal, expect it to be scrambled eggs.

I poured her a glass of orange juice and walked upstairs to our room.

And when I entered the room she was snuggling with MY teddy bear. I guess its replacement for me... and she looked fucking adorable, so I didn't take it and hit her with it, like I would have done with anyone else.

When I took a step, I dropped the cup of orange juice. smooth right?

She bolted up, looked at me and smiled.

I stood frozen and ran as fast I could and got her more juice and cleaning supplies.
When I got into the room the mess was gone and she was wiping the floor clean.

"Nooooo I was gunna clean it" I whined.

"Shh. it never happened. Proceed." she grinned.

I gave her the breakfast and we cuddled for a bit, until she sat up again.


"I unplugged it. you need a day to relax Y/N, you have been stressed and you haven't been yourself cause of it. I want my Y/N back, so you aren't going to school" I stated.

She grinned and kissed me.
"You're the best Mikey" she said and kissed me again.



You woke up very sick one morning and cal had to record... fun right?

You were to sick to even move, your body ached, but you had to get up to barf every 5 minutes.

You tweeted, watched a movie, then fell asleep for almost 4 hours until you heard Calum come home.

He waddled into your room with his laptop, movies, medicine, and loads of blankets and pillows.

"What are you doing?" you asked but quickly regretted it when you got a sharp pain in your throat.

"Sh, love, go to the bathroom and take these" he said giving you the pill "oh! well I mean don't take all of the-"

"I get it cal" you whispered.

When you came back there was a massive fort on top of your bed.

"Cal what the hell?" you said in a happy, raspy voice.

"It's a fort! I saw your tweet" he said and you though back

You tweeted :

@Y/T/N: IM SO SICK! And my snuggle buddy's recording :(
But I guess he's making music for you beautiful people xx

"Oh" you said.

"But your snuggle buddy's back" he smiled.

You climbed into the fort, which was kind of super awesome, and cuddled with Calum.

You watched re-runs of 'that's so Raven' and 'Zoey 101' off of an illegal sight you found.
but that's what you get for letting him choose.

Sooner than later you both fell asleep in the fort-which you didn't take town for 3 weeks afterwards.


YAY! Its Super short :( more coming soon.
And I'm sorry for any typos, I didn't edit this one. oops BUT NOW I HAVE HOMEWORK. Ew. :(

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