celebrity crush

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this is kind of short, (and shitty, what's new) but I won't be updating for a while because I have to write LOADS of personal ones on my personal pref book (you should read that #ShamelessSelfPromotion)

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** not edited **

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You're his celebrity crush

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You were the drummer for your band, 'The Young & The Hopeless'

((Yes that's a Good Charlotte song don't touch me))

You were on a current tour that just took off.
Your band was quite large, the fan base was growing by the hundreds.
Your band had an edge to it. It was what you would call 'punk rock'.
You were compared to bands like 'Green Day', 'Good Charlotte', and 'Blink-182'.

"Are you sure its okay for us to practice here?" You asked, looking around the small venue.

"We're not supposed to be here until tomorrow to rehearse." You explained.

"Nobody's going to be here, its fine, Y/N. Now, go sit your pretty little bum in your stool." Your lead singer said.

You started playing and your band mates followed on beat as you preformed the song for the empty venue.

You guys finished and heard voices to the left of the stage. Turning, you saw none other than Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton. "You're 5 Seconds Of Summer!" You point out. "We are." Luke smiled. "You guys are supposed to be rehearsing, aren't you?" You ask. "Yes but its fine, it was really sweet to see you guys play. We're big fans of your music." Ashton smiled. "And we're big fans of you!" Your bassist said.

You all chatted for a while, but you noticed Calum was quiet. You guessed that Ashton noticed because he said, "Calum, mate, you ok?"

"I-I'm fine." Calum said, not taking his eyes off of you.

"Oh, I know what's wrong with him." Michael smirked.

"Ms. Y/N here is Cal's celebrity crush. He's totally start struck." Michael explained.

"We'll, Calum," You began, "I'm also star struck by meeting you. I guess I'm just a little bit better at hiding it." You winked, causing him to blush.

L U C I F E R:

"Guys, we're on the telly!" Michael shouted, ignoring the fact the band was actually in the room with him and he yelled right into Luke's ear.

"Thanks mate." Luke said, wincing.

"Shut up I'm watching myself." Michael said, waving it off the younger boy.

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