what turns him on

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LOOK AT THE PICTURE ON THE TOP/SIDE. I thanked you guys for 40 reads. 40. I said that people have 10.5k and I never thought i would get there and now I have over 2 million reads.

I really don't deserve this, thank you.

this is slightly dirty. I mean, it have "turn on" in the title. there's obviously sex talk.

what turns him on



when you wear his shirts.

something about you wearing Luke's shirts and sweaters always turned him on. The oversized material would fall off your shoulder, revealing your bare shoulder which Luke would just want to leave love bites all over. The more you wore his clothing, the more he wanted to rip it off of you.

((lmao wut))


when you bite your lip.

Calum easily got turned on by you biting your lip. He often took the time to stare at you and take in your beauty and when he did, you would often bite your lip in concentration with whatever you were doing. Whether it was just you grazing your bottom lip with your teeth or nibbling on it, he would just want to bite your lips while kissing you instead, and he usually got his wish.


when you swear.

Michael is known for letting the f bomb slip (every, like, five minutes) but little did everyone know that you were a lot worse. You swore very often and every time you did, Michael would get turned on. Whether it was from you stubbing your toe and swearing in pain, or that you beat Michael in a video game and you would jump up and do your signature "fuck yah!", Michael couldn't help but think dirty thoughts. Every time you let a swear word leave your lips, Michael just wanted you to be panting the words from underneath him.


when you run your fingers through your hair.

For some reason, this always turned Ashton on. Whenever he looked at you and saw you run your fingers through your hair, it did things to him. To other people, you fixing your hair wasn't something that was considered hot but to Ashton, it was. Every time he saw you do it, he just wanted to have his fingers tangled in your hair while kissing you.


it's the small things just really piss me off.

like, yeah, I posted a preference with your children's name

and yeah, one of the names was Roxy

but that doesn't invite you to comment "ew, Roxy? no thanks."

like, people don't think about what they comment. maybe I have a close friend who's name is Roxy, did you think of that? it's a different name, I get it but just don't

I don't even mind that the one girl said her dogs name was Roxy because my friends dog name is Roxy and you're cool

I don't care if it's on my book or anyone else's. Don't comment negative, unnecessary things that aren't wanted.

on another note, FUCKING HELL LIVESOS

love you, guys <3

- becca

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