these stars light up the night (luke)

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i deleted a bunch of chapters because holy shit some of you guys are just plain fucking rude in the comments can u pls not do that thanks.


Luke struggles with being so far away from you while he is on tour with 5sos, and one night decides to just drive away from everyone and spend a night stargazing; one of his favorite activities to de-stress. While he's embracing his gloom under the night sky, he hears your voice behinds him and turns around to see that you've flown out to surprise him.

by fading_into_the_night on ao3

*lukey's p.o.v*

I had always been enthralled by the night sky. Ever since a young age when my father had told me that the night sky was a magical force. For hours and hours we would lay out in the backyard on our backs and stare up at its vastness while I would pester my father with question after question. To me, the sky simply held so many stories that I would never forget.

I remember one night specifically in which we had gone out in early November. "Dad?" I asked, reaching my hand over to hit him on the shoulder to wake him from his focus on the stars.

"Yeah?" he asked, refusing to remove his eyes from the night.

"How come we can't see Leo tonight? He's my favorite, but I can't find him anywhere." I huffed, crossing my pre-pubescent shoulders in frustration.

My father simply giggled in amusement, "The Earth is always rotating, which means that we can see different parts of the sky in different parts of the year. That means right now Leo is floating over another part of the world right now, so that other people can enjoy it too."

"But it's still out there?" I asked.

"Just because you can't see something right in front of your eyes doesn't mean that it's not out there waiting for you just the same."

"Is Leo waiting for me, Dad?"

My dad let out another chuckle while reaching his arms out to pull me into his side, "Leo's waiting for us, Luke. He can't wait to see us again. Don't tell the other cities, but I heard him whisper to me once that Sydney is his favorite city to visit."

"Dad, Leo doesn't talk!" I yelled, before he continued with another story about

*years later*

"I think I'm going to head out," I walked out of the bedroom into the living room area of the loft we were renting while staying in LA. I quickly rounded up my vans, slipping them on swiftly and snatching my hoodie.

"Where? Maybe I'll come?" Ash asked, getting up from his lounging position on the couch.

"Nah, thanks man but I'd rather be alone right now." I forced a smile, "But thanks."

Ashton looked around the room to see that Calum was sleeping and while Michael had headphones in. Once confirming that they couldn't hear him, he walked closer to me with a concerned look on his face.

"Look, Luke. I know you're hurting but you can't keep shutting us out like this. You keep disappearing at night and not telling anyone where you're going. I get it, we all need some alone time, but I'm really worried about you. I mean,I know you miss her but you can't just give up on your happiness because of-"

I cut him off before he could continue, "Look, Ash, Thanks. But seriously, I just want some alone time."

He sighed, "I think that you would have a better time with us tonight. We could play some FIFA and order some burgers from across the street. C'mon it would be a great time with the lads."

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