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*clears throat*
hope you enjoy, munchkins <3
love you 5 everrrr
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Theme/Prompt: @harryave:
Could you do a preference where he's a superhero like Spiderman and he saves you like ID SCREAM BECAUSE YOU'RE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE WATTPAD ACCOUNTS
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M I C H A E L (Spiderman):
You looked around the old, dusty room with a tear escaping your eye. You've been kidnapped and it's been twenty hours and nobody has found you. Although you don't even know if anyone's even looking.
Suddenly the door swung open, revealing a large man; the man who had kidnapped you. You let a sob escape your lips as he lightly brushed your face with his fingertips.
"Hello little lady." He smirked.
"P-Please let me go." You begged. You were scared, hungry, tired and you just wanted to go home.
"I don't think I can do that." He smirked again, making you cringe as you felt his breath fan your face. (A/N: ew)
"I do." An unknown voice said.
Both you and the kidnapper turned around, to see a person dressed in a red and blue suit.
"Excuse me, Spiderman?" the man spat.
"I said, I think you can let this beautiful lady go." Spiderman said puffing out his chest slightly.
The man stepped away from you and went over to Spiderman.
"And who's gunna make me?" he was now face-to-face with Spiderman.
"Me." Spiderman said, punching the man in the stomach. The kidnapper fell to the ground clutching his stomach, he quickly tried to regain composure, but Spiderman kicked him and punched him over and over again until the man was out cold.
Spiderman untied your wrists, that were tied together with rope.
"Holy shit, I can not thank you enough! I was so scared and-and I didn't think I would ever get out of here! I've heard stories about you, but I never thought you were real and-" you were silenced as soon as Spiderman took off his mask.
"whoa." You breathed out, taken back by his face. (A/N: But aren't we all)
He smiled looking down.
"Thanks... I've dealt with that guy before." He said as he walked you out of the house and down the sidewalk. The stars were out and a cool breeze blew.
"O-Oh... so y-you save girls all the time?" You said, kind of upset.
"Well I am a superhero," He smiled, but then stopped walking and turned to face you.
"But I've never saved a girl as beautiful as you before." he whispered.
You did nothing but stare at him.
His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes again. You knew what he wanted, so you took charge and grabbed the collar of his uniform and kissed him.
The kiss was a sweet, closed mouth kiss, full of love and passion. His lips were soft against yours as he applied the perfect amount of pressure. His hands found his was to your hips. Your right hand rested against his toned chest and your left found its way to his neck.
The kiss was perfect and it meant the world to both of you. You truly felt something for him.
He was your saviour, your everything, your hero.
C A L U M (Captain America):
You walked out of school, holding your books to your chest; including your many Captain America comic books. You sat your books on the ground and tightened your ponytail, as well as pushing your glasses up further on the bridge of your nose. You were kind of a 'dork' as others called you, but in reality you were just smarter than most people at your school, and you happen to be obsessed with super heroes and comic books; mostly Captain America.
"Oh hey, dork" Andy, the schools football captain said.
"Please just leave me alone" You said, and bent over to pick up your books, but before you could, Andy grabbed them.
"Oh, look what we have here." he said holding one of your comic books between his thumb and index finger.
"C'mon, Andy just give them back, please." You begged, trying to reach them, but he pulled his hand away from your reach.
"Oh, so these mean a lot to you, then?" he smirked.
"Yes." Your replied.
He then held the comic book in front of your face and ripped it in two.
You gasped as he grabbed a second one and ripped pages out.
Comic book after comic book, he destroyed them. You felt a ball growing in your throat. Believe it or not, those comic books meant a lot of you. They were your only friend.
Soon more of Andy's friends gathered around, and surrounded you. You knew what was coming. They were going to beat you up, and you, being the weak person that you were, couldn't defend yourself.
Suddenly Andy fell forward. You looked up to see the one and only, Captain America.
Three of Andy's friends surrounded Captain America, intending to beat him up, but that's not what happened. Captain America dodged their kicks, and blocked their punches with his shield. Person after person, he remained undefeated and barely touched.
You stood there astounded.
Captain America picked up one of your ruined comic books and held it up.
"You're a fan?" he smiled.
"Huge one." You managed to choke out.
He chuckled lightly and looked down.
After that, you sat in awkward silence.
"I-I um, Thanks... for that." You said and mentally slapped yourself for being so fucking awkward.
"Anything for you." He smiled and made you giggle a bit, meanwhile he was also mentally slapping himself, but you didn't know that, you just blushed like mad.
"Do you maybe want to go for a w-walk or something like that?" He asked you, "After all, you may need saving again."
You laughed and looked down, "I'd love that." You said.
You both walked to god knows where, before you stopped in front of a house, "This is my place." He told you.
"Okay, well it was nice meeting you, and thanks again." You said and turned around.
"Wait!" You heard him say.
He ran toward you and stood in front of you.
"I didn't get your name." He said.
"It's Y/N," You said "And yours, Mr. Captain America?"
"Calum." He breathed out.
You both stood in silence for what felt like the 500th time that day, "Don't you have lives to save?" You finally asked.
"Well I didn't get another thing," He smiled cheekily.
"And what would that be?" You smiled.
"This." he whispered before connecting his lips to yours. The kiss was full of passion and love, and neither of you wanted it to end.
When he pulled away you just starred at him.
"Don't go." He said.
"What?" You asked.
"Just... I don't know... Just don't go. Stay with me." He said, "Don't go."
"I wouldn't think of it, after all, you are my hero." You said before reconnecting your lips to his.
(A/N: that sucked cow balls)
A S H T O N (Robin):
As you were walking home from work, during the night, you could swear you felt like someone was following you. Whatever it was, you felt a presence, and you didn't like it. You took out your phone, to show the person that you felt walking behind you, that you had a way to phone for help.
You smiled at your lock screen. It was a picture of you and your best friend, Ashton. You were madly in love with him, but to him, you were only a friend. A Best friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
Suddenly you felt two arms surround your body and roughly turn you around. You came face to face with a stranger, who didn't look so friendly. You dropped your phone and screamed in fear, the man smiled evilly.
"Ello 'lil lady." He smirked.
"L-Leave me alone," You stuttered nervously, "I have a phone." You warned looking to your phone that lied on the sidewalk.
"You mean this one?" He said stomping on it, crushing and breaking it in the process.
suddenly the man was on the ground, hunched over in pain.
You stood back, astounded.
You looked up to see a man in a red suit.
"Y-You're Robin." You said as you realized who it was.
"I am." He said. The voice sounded familiar to you, but you couldn't put your finger on where you've heard it before.
"I thought you were only from comics and movies?" You said, still breathless and quite scared.
He didn't say anything to you, he just stepped forward and starred at you.
You gently untied the flimsy mask that covered around his eyes. It fell to the ground, and you gasped as the mask revealed the face of Ashton Irwin.
"Ashton?" You breathed, looking into his eyes.
He nodded looking down.
You starred at him in total surprise.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was just... I don't know," he sighed. "I was scared."
"Scared of what Ashton?" you asked.
You had no idea why he would be scared to tell you something like this, especially since you were best friends.
"I was scared you would think of me differently, or not like me or something." he answered.
"Ashton, i'll love you no matter what." You said all too quickly, and you immediately wanted to take it back.
He looked up, as soon as he hear what you had said.
"I-I mean - I uh-" You stuttered out, trying to cover up, but miserably failing.
He cut you off with a sweet kiss, that you savoured. It was really happening. You were kissing the person you have loved for years.
But all too soon, you pulled away.
"Y-You like me back?" You asked, but then thought 'maybe he did that because he felt bad, maybe he doesn't love me...'
Whatever you questioned was soon answered, when he kissed you again.
"I love you so, so much, loser." He said after you had pulled away. He had always called you a loser, because quite frankly you were one, but it was all okay, because he was one too.
You two were the kids in high school who had barely any friends, but always had each other.
You were considered annoying, stupid, weird, and geeky, because you would make stupid ass inside jokes that only you knew about, and would laugh uncontrollably.
(A/N: wow I'm describing my life)
"I love you so, so, so much"
You said and patted yourself on the back mentally, because you just won the game that he didn't know about. See? you were a slight loser.
"You're a dork." he laughed and connected his lips to yours.
L U K E (Batman):
Fires were lit and people were screaming and running. (A/N: nice way to start, eh?)
You were frantically looking for the group of friends you were just with, but they took off, leaving you in the streets of the city with some crazy ass villain.
You though they entered a bar & grill, so you went into it, only to be trapped by flaming pieces of wood.
You screamed as one nearly fell on top of you.
To say you were scared was an understatement.
You tried to find a way out, but failed.
You though it was the end, so you gave up.
You heard cracking from above you. You look up to see a large piece of wood, on fire, and about to fall.
Right before it falls, you feel someone jump on you, knocking you four feet away from the flaming object.
You look, and on top of you to see the one and only Batman.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"I am now." You breath out, "wow, that has to be the worst way to say thank you." You laughed, but it turned into a coughing fit from the flames and smoke.
"Let's get you out of here," Batman said helping you up, "follow me."
He helps you out of one of the buildings windows, and you end up on the roof of another building.
You look to see people coming out of hiding, and firemen and police men putting out the flames and helping people.
Some people are crying tears of joy, others of tragedy and sorrow.
People are hugging and kissing, and ambulances are helping injured people.
"D-Did you help all these people... did you save our city?" you asked turning to Batman.
He shrugged.
"On behalf of our city, I think you deserve gratitude and thanks" you smiled.
"I'm a superhero, it's was I do." he shrugged.
"Well if you won't except the thanks from our city, at least except my gratitude. I could have died back there." you said walking towards him.
He stayed silent and bit his lip, before taking off his mask.
You were astounded when you saw his face. (A/N: kinda like every time you look at Luke Hemmings)
He had amazing blue eyes, blond hair, and perfect pink lips.
He grabbed you by the waste and attached his perfect lips to yours.
The kiss was not all that innocent, it was slightly rough. He bit your bottom lip slightly and you opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to slip in.
Soon, you both needed air and you pulled apart.
You looked at the sky, seeing the Batman symbol shining.
Then you turn to look at the city. Down below you see your friends, they wave and tell you they're sending someone to come and get you.
You feel Batman's hands leave your waist and when you turn, he is gone.
You feel someone grab your arm, and you turn to see a fireman, telling you to climb down the latter with him.
You follow him and at the bottom your friends give you hugs and tell you how worried they were, although you weren't listening, you just starred at the top of the building, where you and Batman shared your kiss.
Off in the distance you see a caped man running across building, and you recognize him as Batman.
You smiled to yourself at how wonderful your moment with him was.
You never did see Batman again, but you didn't forget him either. Not a day went by that you didn't think about the kiss, or how he saved you.
People would always tell stories about Batman, and how he saved a girl, who he fell in love with, and it made you laugh, because maybe you were in love with him.
You never forgot him, but how could you? He was your hero.
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That was complete and utter shit, wasn't it?
I'm not even gunna tell you to vote.
GUESS WHAT?! Riley made MORE jello (its blue this time) and won't give me any! shes such a jello hogger! but shes a good co-author so I think I'll keep her.
Please leave requests!
~ 5saussies & MashtoningNarry

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