83 - Sam

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Dedicated to IndieMoore :)

I'm grinning like I'm on happy pills all the way to Kevin's.  The paparazzi had disappeared by the time we'd left the interview with Laura, which Tanya had allowed to go on an extra twenty minutes after we'd assured her we knew what we were doing in blabbering so much.

The sun's out, warming my back through my hoody, and with Emmy's hand in mine I feel invincible.  I doubt even telling me our album's gone straight to number one will stretch my smile further.  I don't think it's possible to have a bigger grin right now.

I hadn't been expecting Emmy to kiss me in the interview.  We hadn't spoken about when or how we were going to let the world know about our relationship, but the more I've thought about it, the better her spontaneous actions seem.  It's not like I was enjoying having to keep my distance in public, so sooner rather than later definitely suits me.

I squeeze Emmy's hand and when she smiles up at me it only helps to fuel my positive outlook.  My stomach's rumbling, even though we've just eaten, and the thought of a bacon sandwich makes my mouth water.

"Didn't she, Sam?  She was all over him."

I blink out of my happy bubble and look behind me to see Ollie holding Vince off of him.  It's clear they're in the middle of winding each other up.  "What?"

"That Laura.  She was well into Vince.  She was practically dribbling."

Vince rolls his eyes but there's a hint of a smile on his face.  "Oh shut up!"

I smile in response, .  "I did spot her checking out the guns."

"Did not," Vince argues, looking to his arms protectively.  He hasn't been to the gym properly in ages, so his muscles aren't as impressive as they used to be, but you can still see the outlines of his workouts.  "She was too busy writing down all the gossip we spilled."

"She did fancy you though," Ollie says, nodding knowingly.  "I could tell."

Vince dives at him again and Ollie has to react quickly to avoid colliding with a bus stop.  "Seriously, Ollie.  Shut up."

I chuckle at how easy it is to tease Vince.  He bites so quickly and it's so fun to reel him in.  Emmy sees me trying not to laugh and shakes her head disapprovingly but the tiny smile she's trying to hide tells me she's not all that bothered that we're messing with Vince.

"I bet she asks you in for a photo shoot so you can be the cover star."

A month ago that comment would have swollen Vince's ego to epic proportions but now he doesn't seem bothered.

"I'm into Alex," he declares, his eyes flitting to Emmy.  "I don't fancy Laura."

"Get on and ask her out then," Emmy says simply.

Vince's ears go red and I know he's fighting a blush.  "I will.  In my own time."

"That'll be ages then," Ollie says, earning himself a punch to the arm.  "You're such a hypocrite, saying me and Sam were scared to talk to Emmy and Tandy.  We all know you have the hots for Alex so just get on and make it official."

Vince stops walking, letting out a sigh almost as if he's about to give up some information he doesn't really want to divulge.  "We're going on a date next week actually."

We all stare at him and Ollie mouths wordlessly.

"Yay," Emmy says, breaking out of my hold to hug Vince.  "I can help you plan it if you want?"

Vince seems to relax at Emmy's words, like he'd been hoping she'd offer to help him once she found out.

"Good on you," I say once Emmy's hand's back in mine and we're turning the corner to Kevin's.  "We can go on a triple date in the future if you manage not to mess up."  I feel bad when I see a worried expression cross his features, creasing his forehead and turning down the corners of his mouth.  "But I know you'll be fine," I add to try and reassure him.

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