72 - Emmy

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Thanks for waiting patiently guys :)  Dedicated to xXShyGal18Xx for showing an interest in updates.  It keeps me motivated to know you guys are waiting for the next part :)  Enjoy!

As soon as I sit down next to Sam, I instantly regret laughing earlier about me being the one who's bound to mess up during the interview.  It now seems suddenly inevitable that I'm going to say or do something wrong.  It's not like last time.  The lights are too bright and Yazmine's teeth are even whiter than I remember.  She offers me an over friendly wave as she's powdered and preened one final time before the producer calls her to the sofa where we've been seated. 

Andrew's talking in hushed whispers to a brunette lady off to the other side of the studio and I can just about hear Vince whispering about affairs and lovers over the sound of my racing heartbeat that's flooding my ears.

I jump as someone rests their hand over mine but my pulse immediately settles when I realise it's Sam's skin on mine.  I smile at him, trying to hide the fear that's building inside of me.  He smiles back but it's forced, like he can tell that something's bothering me.  I give him a half shrug, pulling at the neckline of my black blouse, before I yank my hand out from under his at lightning speed when I spot Yazmine slinking over to us in her too high heels.  She's a tall lady anyway, but with the glamorous shoes she looks even more intimidating.

Sam gives her a cool smile and I try to do the same.

"It's nice to have you back," she says to me, but her eyes are roaming over Sam.  His strong jawline, his brown eyes and finally resting on his heart-warming smile, though it seems to be a few degrees cooler while aimed at her.

She leans forward and I spot Vince's eyes widening as she practically thrusts her cleavage in our faces.  Ollie snorts under his breath and I manage to crack a real smile.

"It's nice to be here," Sam replies.  He flashes his teeth at her in what would usually be a smile so amazing it would make my knees weak.  Now though, it just looks fake. 

Yazmine doesn't seem to notice though, sitting back in her seat and flipping her hair back over one shoulder.  She's wearing a hot pink dress that nips in at her waist, pushing her boobs up towards her face a little more than necessary.  As if no-one's failed to notice that they're there.  They're practically in all of our faces, even from the other side of the curved sofa.

I run my hands over my skirt that's the same colour as Sam's shirt, a coincidence I'm not sure, and move my gaze over to where Andrew's still talking in hushed whispers to the brunette lady.  A guy wearing a headset is trying to get him to take his seat next to Yazmine.  There's a lot of talking and waving and then Andrew's making his way over to us with a face like thunder.  I suddenly wish I didn't have such a bad feeling about this interview.   Between Yazmine's tendency to dig deep for gossip and Andrew's sudden tense expression I feel more nervous than before and I can't even grab Sam's hand without fuelling Yazmine's suspicions.  She's staring at me now with a perfect blonde eyebrow raised in thought.  A shiver runs up my spine and I fold one leg over the other to pass off the shudder.

"We're on in five," the headset guy says, guiding Andrew to his seat.

Andrew sits down, his expression still hard, and folds his arms over his stomach like a sulking toddler.  I can't help raising my eyebrows at the childish behaviour and I feel a familiar welling in my throat that I get when the need to ask an inappropriate question arises.  Like why was he arguing with the brunette lady and who is she.

Instead I lean back into the sofa and observe the guys.  Sam's tapping out a rhythm on his legs.  His long fingers bounce off his jeans in time with a beat only he can hear.  Ollie's eyes are alight as he takes in his surroundings and Vince is checking his phone for a text from Alex no doubt.  The get together meal is scheduled for this weekend and I know he's desperate to make sure she's still coming.  Sam says Vince has got it real bad for Alex.  I think it's cute.

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