66 - Emmy

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Dedicated to Christin-Rose!  The song on the side is so pretty - I only discovered it yesterday but I love it.  Enjoy :)

Sam seems to be staring into the middle distance.  I turn back to face him when we reach the room where we'd played the most amazing gig ever, by my one gig standard anyway, to see that he's looking at something that I can't see.  His forehead is creased in thought.

"Sam!"  I click my fingers inches from his nose and he seems to wake up.  His brown eyes are warm and his hand feels nice in mine.  I push through the door to see Tandy and Ollie snuggled together on the couch that's been pushed back against the far wall.  They're talking amongst themselves but the loud music coming from the next room flushes out any of the words that could have made it to my ears. 

Sam leads me forward and towards them, my hand still in his, and I feel insanely jealous all of a sudden that Tandy can sit that close to Ollie, one leg draped over his, without there being an atmosphere or someone making a comment.  That's not to say that if Sam and I suddenly started making out everyone would have something to say about it. We've made a whole big deal about staying friends that I don't want people to assume that it's the alcohol that's forced us back together.

Sam drops my hand as we reach Tandy and Ollie and I feel another wave of disappointment and jealousy wash over me. 

"Hey guys," Ollie says.  I can only hear him over the music because we're directly in front of them.  The bass is still pounding in my head but it's no longer deafening.  "What you up to?"

My eyes zone in on their entwined hands.  "Fancied some air," I reply, peeling my gaze away and back to their faces.

Sam nods.  "Yeah.  Bit crowded in there."  He jerks a thumb back towards the lounge and Ollie nods.

"Yeah.  We managed to get away.  We're just chilling in here instead."

"Where Vince?" Sam asks.

I immediately realise I haven't seen Alex in a while either.  "Do you think he's with-"  I'm cut off by the door to the kitchen opening and shutting.  We all turn to see Vince swaying slightly on the spot.

"They're insane!" he exclaims, stumbling over to us.  "I had to escape."

Sam laughs and I can't help snorting at his appearance.  Vince's shirt is now unbuttoned to his navel and his hair is a state, flopping into his eyes.  He blows a couple of stands out of his vision.

"I was t-trying to find Alex.  'ave you seen her?"  His words are a little slurred but it's enough for Sam and Ollie to go on.

"Are you going to confess your love to her?" Ollie teases, ignoring the way Tandy is glaring disapprovingly at him.

Vince blushes in the dim light.  "Shut up."

"Better smarten up if you are, mate," Sam adds.  "You look like you've been mauled by hungry fans."

Vince flips Sam the bird just as he loses his balance, forcing himself to lean into the wall.  "I said shut it."

"Touchy," Ollie announces and Sam sniggers.

I frown at them both, replicating Tandy's expression, and I get the urge to hit Sam upside the head again.  "Don't be so mean," I say before I can stop myself.

By now everyone is familiar with my foot in mouth syndrome so no-one seems surprised when I slap a palm to my mouth.

Sam rolls his eyes.  "We're only messing with him."  He pauses, turning to hold a hand out to Vince who's collapsed into an arm chair angled towards the couch that Ollie and Tandy are occupying.  "You don't mind, do you Vince?"

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