16 - Emmy

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Dedicated to Veronique.  Thanks for reading :)

When we get back Ollie announces that he's invited his girlfriend over, saying it'll be nice for me to have some female company.  I think of the girl with the long honey blonde hair and model looks from his wardrobe pictures.  I want to point out that girls don't usually like me, though I'm not sure why, but I don't say anything.  I don't want him to think that I don't appreciate the gesture because I do.  It's just that I haven't really ever had a huge group of girlfriends.  Alex is the only real friend I've ever had.  I talked to people at school but most of my peers ignored me outside of class.

I sit down on the sofa, tucking my legs underneath me and pulling my baggy jumper over my knees.  Alex and I get on so well because we're both missing the brain to mouth filter.  She's not as blunt as I can be, but we've both had our fair share of foot in mouth moments.  Sure, it's completely unintentional but I guess it can get a little irritating to be around someone who doesn't seem to know when to shut up.

Ollie and Vince are plugging in a games console and Sam's disappeared to his room.  I look over at the line of doors on the far wall just as he steps back into the lounge.  My heart jumps as I think I see a small smile directed my way but I realise I must be seeing things as he looks away before I can ask him what he's up to. 

There's a fine line between being curious and annoying, or so my mum has tried to tell me on several occasions.  Apparently, according to her rules of social etiquette, you can ask people questions, but you can't keep on too much or you'll end up coming across as annoying.  I'm not sure whether I've spoken to Sam enough times today, without him responding, to know whether I'm irritating him or not.  Indecisive, I keep my mouth shut and turn to watch Ollie and Vince play a video game.

It's obvious that Vince is trying to show off.  Every time his little cartoon character beats Ollie's at some kind of sport, he looks over at me and grins. I've smiled back, mostly to be polite. 

I hear Vince cheer and twist in my seat to see him fist pumping the air, his muscles flexing under the sleeves of his white All Time Low t-shirt.  I absolutely love All Time Low, but I'm not telling Vince that in case he adds it to our 'things in common' list.  The only real thing I can see that we have in common so far is our ability to get on Sam's nerves.

I look over at Sam, who's reading a music magazine while sitting at the breakfast bar.  His dark eyebrows are drawn closer to his oak brown eyes.  It's a strange colour for eyes, almost hazel, and I wonder if he gets many comments from fans about them.  He must sense that I'm looking at him.  He glances up from whatever he's reading but when he notices that it's me looking in his direction he returns his gaze to his magazine.

I sigh.  He's kept to himself since we've been back.  I've occasionally caught him laughing at Ollie and Vince playing video games, but every time he's spotted me looking he's wiped all joy from his face.  I kind of get the feeling that I suck all of the happiness from him.  I make a note to ask Ollie about it later.  Vince might read into things too much if I approach him.

The doorbell rings a couple of minutes later and Ollie pauses the game before running to let whoever it is in.  My palms sweat when his girlfriend sweeps into the room.  She's tall, almost as tall as Sam, and Ollie looks even shorter and skinnier next to her.  Her hair falls in luscious waves to the small of her back and her complexion is to die for.  I'm lucky enough not to have to cover myself in foundation, but she's not plagued by the huge gathering of freckles across her cheeks like I am.  They make my face look dirty in my opinion.  This girl, however, looks anything but a mess.  She's looks as fresh as a daisy as Dad would say.

Her and Ollie share a quick kiss, which Vince protests at by making loud gagging noises, before Ollie steers her towards me.  She's wearing denim shorts and a baby pink top that I know Tabs would love to own.  It's probably designer.

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