9 - Sam

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This part is dedicated to LDCrichton.  Her book 'Celebrity Status' is brilliant.  Go read it!

I'm really sorry that this part is so short, but they're so close to meeting and I need to add in final thoughts before they do.

I'm in my bedroom listening to Fall out Boy  with my eyes closed when I hear the door crash open.  I pretend not to notice, trying to find the meaning to the song lyrics.  It helps me focus when I'm trying to think of songs that I can write.  The only way to write good music is to listen to good music.


I hum along to the song, which only seems to irritate Ollie.  The music shuts off and I open my eyes, glaring at him.  He's standing by my stereo, his arms folded across his red shirt.  His usual friendly expression is twisted with a frown.

"Good.  I've got your attention."

I roll my eyes. "Can't you see I'm doing something?"

Ollie sits down on my desk chair and shakes his head.  "It's important."

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?"

He gets up suddenly.  "Fine.  I won't tell you then."

I swing my legs off of my double bed and sigh.  "Ollie.  I'm listening."

He purses his lips, deciding whether to make me beg for the information, but decides against it.  Vince would have had me on my knees.

"I just got off of the phone with Tanya," he says, picking up a magazine from my desk and studying the cover.  "She wanted to talk about stuff."

He's being vague in an attempt to keep my annoyance at bay but it isn't working.  I've had the last week to come to terms with the fact that Tanya and her guys aren't going to listen to me.  Not when Ollie and Vince have come around to the idea all of a sudden.  I know Ollie just wants a shot at making Sketch work and Vince just wants a girl to flirt with.  I'm not as against the idea as I was at first but the thought of a stranger, especially a girl, coming into the band still isn't appealing to me.  It's going to mess up the dynamics.  Sketch is special, born out of friendship and a love of music.  I don't want some randomer coming in looking to cash in on all of our hard work.  It just doesn't seem fair.

I grit my teeth.  "And?"

He drops the magazine and shrugs.  "And she's coming tomorrow."


He nods.  "And the girl."

Ollie doesn't try to conceal his smile and I can't fight the thudding in my chest.

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