29 - Sam

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Finally, some answers regarding Michelle!  A new picture of Sam on the side :)

Dedicated to thesweetimperfection!

It's not often that I tell Ollie how much I appreciate him, but after the comment that makes Michelle stalk out of the flat, followed by a stressed looking Tanya, I can't exactly deny him the thanks that he deserves.

I have to wait until Emmy's finished hugging him to death before I can have his attention.  He pats her on the back of her jumper, his hands tangling in the ends of her hair, and I feel something inside of me jerk.


I blink and notice that they're apart.  I scratch my head before leaning over to clap him on the back.  "Thanks for that.  You showed her."

Ollie smiles.  "Someone had to remind her that things aren't the same anymore."

I nod and catch sight of Emmy frowning slightly as she plops down on the sofa next to Vince.

"I really hate that girl," he says, dropping his phone to his lap and stretching his arms in the air.  "She's scary as hell."

"You didn't think that at first," Ollie says, giving Vince a raised eyebrow.  "You fancied her."

"Yeah," Vince replies. "Right up until she opened her mouth.  Besides, Sam got there first."

Emmy, who had been twirling her hair in her fingers, stops and looks to me.  I look away.

"You went  out with the she-devil?"  She sounds disbelieving.  "Really?"

"Four glorious months," Ollie teases and I flip him the bird before willing myself to look back in Emmy's direction.

"She wasn't always such a bitch," I explain.  "She went a bit crazy when we got our big hit and suddenly decided that we were all beneath her."

Emmy's mouth drops open and Vince taps her chin, gesturing for her to stop with the fly catching expression.  "How the hell did you put up with that?  What a diva."

Ollie, Vince and I all seem to grimace at the same time as we remember various occasions where Michelle would make us do her beck and call.  We were so naive back then.

"Well you don't have to worry about me going all star crazy on you guys," Emmy says.

Vince smiles.  "Oh we know, Sweetheart.  Got those vibes as soon as you walked in."

Ollie nods.  "You're the opposite of Michelle."

Emmy looks to me, cocking her head to the side and biting her lip.

"What?" I ask defensively.

She shrugs.  "I just can't believe that you and her."  She pauses.  "You're so different."

I lean on my elbows, intrigued.  "How so?"

"She's so in your face and you're so calm.  Laid-back."

"Oh don't let him fool you," Vince says.  "He's a primadonna too."

Emmy laughs and my lips tug with a smile as the sound reaches my ears.

"Ha-ha," I say dryly.  "Says Mr half an hour shower and designer jeans."

Vince pulls at his trousers.  "So what if I like to look good?  Just because you dress like a reject from a film about hobos."

I snort. "Nice comeback," I reply, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I think Sam wears cool clothes," Emmy says after a moment of silence follows my retort.   "I mean, you all do."

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