32 - Emmy

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Dedicated to theregoesnash!  Another pic of Emmy on the side :)

I play one of my favourite games on the way to the café.  It's called, 'How many times can I touch someone's arm before they get angry or freaked out'.  I used to play it all the time back home.  Tabs got annoyed when I did it to her and so did Mum, hence the missing sense of humour, but Dad didn't mind it, unless he was watching some sort of sport on the TV.  I did it with people at college a couple of times and I don't think it helped my reputation as the strange kid.  It's not like people avoided me, but it was obvious that I wasn't cool enough to be acknowledged.  Alex was the same, with people jealous of her super-human brain in maths, so we stuck together. 

I start with Ollie, who's chatting to Sam about the new song that he's writing.  I touch his shoulder twice and his arm once before he turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you doing?"

I smile.  "It's a game."

He nods, looking confused, before pointing ahead to where Vince is walking and texting at the same time.  "Go do it to him."

My grin widens at his suggestion and I skip up to Vince.  "Hey."

He peers up from his phone.  "Hi."

I touch his arm.  "How are you?"

His gaze falls to my hand on his hoody.  "Fine.  You?"

I nod and move my hand to his back.  "I'm great."

He frowns at me lightly before looking back to his phone.  I get bored then.  I was kind of hoping for a high score with him, seeing as he's got an obsession with flirting with girls, but he doesn't seem in the mood to play.

I slow down my pace until I'm walking with Sam and Ollie again.  Ollie nods at Sam, gesturing for him to be my next target.

"Hi, Sam," I say, wasting no time with getting my first touch in.  I rest my hand on his forearm and smile.

He doesn't seem to notice.  "Hi."

"So what are you having to eat?" I ask, sliding my hand up to his shoulder.

He glances at my hand before shrugging.  "Food."

I laugh, moving my hand back to his forearm.  "Nice."

I glance at Ollie to see him biting back a laugh.

"What are you two doing?" Sam asks, sounding suddenly paranoid.

I pat his back.  "Nothing."

He stops and looks over his shoulder to where my hand is on his t-shirt.  "Why do you keep touching me?"

I give him an innocent smile.  "I don't."

Ollie lets out a chuckle and Sam rolls his eyes.  "Ha-ha, guys.  So funny."

I move my hand to his arm again.  "What's funny?"

He studies me for a moment, his gaze flitting behind me to look at a still laughing Ollie, before he pulls his arm out of my grip.  My pulse rockets when I feel his hand close around mine.

I gasp and he smirks.  "What's this worth?  Five points?"

Ollie claps his hands.  "You've been busted."

I stick my tongue out at him, still well aware that my hand is enveloped in Sam's.  His skin is warm and I can feel callouses on his fingertips from all of his guitar playing.  I try to second guess him.  Is he expecting me to pull away or not?  I bite my lip before walking forward again, dragging him with me.


I smile when I hear the surprise in Sam's voice. "Yes?"

"Is this part of the game?"

I shake my head as we catch up with Vince.  "Nope."

Vince's eyes widen when he spots Sam and I holding hands, be it to try and annoy each other.  I pull Sam into the café.  The waitress from the other day, a girl with red hair who obviously fancies Ollie, widens her eyes when she also spots our entwined hands.

I give Sam one last look before I pull out of his grip.  "I win."

He rolls his eyes.  "How was I supposed to win when I don't know the rules?"

I wink at him, watching as the skin around his eyes crinkles as his expression turns to frustration.  "You mean you can't read minds?"

He mock punches my shoulder before heading to the same table that we sat at last time.  I take the seat next to him again.

Ollie and Vince take our orders before they head to the counter.  I watch them leave before turning back to Sam.  He's rolling the salt shaker in his palms and I glance at his fingers.  They're softer than they look, even with the callouses, and I can't deny the way my heart had thudded when he'd unexpectedly wrapped his fingers around mine.

"So how's the song coming along?" I ask, looking up to his face.

He sets the salt pot down on the table before he reaches up to touch my shoulder.  He pulls on his serious face.  "Amazing."

I shrug him off and smile.  His serious expression falters until he's smiling with me.

"Seriously," I say.  "I want to know."

"Why?  So you can copy me?"

"No," I say.  "I'm doing brilliantly by myself actually."

He gives me a curt nod.  "Glad to hear it."

"So have you written a number one single?"

He brushes his shoulders off.  "You could say that."

"What's it called?"

"Haven't come up with a name yet," he replies.  "I'm waiting for inspiration to fall."

I nod slowly, pulling my notepad out of my bag.  "Wanna see my song?"

His eyebrows peak with interest.  "Sure."  He leans towards me and his arm grazes mine.  My pulse speeds up but I try not to let it show on my face.  I leave my arm where it is, savouring the feel on his skin on mine again.  I'm only wearing a t-shirt and jeans today, having changed out of my earlier outfit of a blouse and skirt.  It's another uncharacteristically warm September day.

"I haven't named it yet," I say with a smile.  "I'm waiting for inspiration too."

A smile tugs at his lips but his eyes stay focused on the page where my scribbles and ideas have come together to form my first ever song.  I wait a few more moments before my patience wears thin. "Well?"

He looks to me slowly, his eyebrows still furrowed.  "I like it."

"You sound surprised."

His cheeks raise as he smiles.  "I shouldn't be though.  Seeing as you went to the best music school on Earth."

"I did, didn't I?"

His smile stretches further just as Ollie and Vince return to our table.

"Victory," Ollie announces.

Sam and I look up at him at the same time. 

He points at us both with a grin.  "You're getting on."

I nod but Sam's smile seems to lose some of its meaning.  He leans back in his chair, his arm losing contact with mine, and I feel suddenly cold.  Not just at the loss of contact but at the look of annoyance that's creeping into Sam's gaze.   Had I really just imagined that he was starting to like me?

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