40 - Emmy

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Dedicated to ninjaWolfie! Thanks for the awesome cover on the side :)

I stride into the lounge with a huge smile on my face.  "Hey guys."

Ollie gets up from the sofa, looking behind me with an expression that I can't quite read.  I glance over my shoulder to see Sam standing in the doorway to his room, one cheek slightly redder than the other.  Guilt washes through me and I head to the sofas where Tandy's sitting awaiting my arrival.

"We're here to rescue you from Sam's company," she says with a laugh.

I look to Sam again.  He's moved from his room and he's looking a little more alert than just now.  I chew over my words for a moment before replying.  I need Sam to hear what I say.  "He's not that bad actually."

Sam looks up from the floor, a tiny smile flashing across his face.  Ollie's whispering something to him and the two share a hushed conversation, moving to the kitchen.

Tandy rolls her eyes.  "Boys.  So, how are you?"

Confused?  I can't say it without having to explain myself so I pull on my best happy smile and assure her I'm fine thank you.

"Good," she replies.  "Ollie said you and Sam have been writing music."

I nod.  Amongst other things...  "We've almost finished."

Tandy's blonde eyebrows raise in appreciation. "You guys are good.  You make a good pair."

My smile almost cracks. "Yeah."

The afternoon passes slowly.  As mean as it sounds I want Ollie to drop Tandy home already.  I need to speak to Sam about my reaction to his kiss.  I wouldn't be lying if I said it had hit me from nowhere.  Sure, we'd been flirting a little in his room, but I hadn't expected him to kiss me.  It wasn't until a couple of days ago that he started to speak to me without insults or glares.  It's like our relationship has done a one-eighty.  We've gone from enemies to friends and maybe even something more.

There's no denying that Sam's hot.  He's got that whole damaged and broody side that seems the polar opposite to the sarcastic, funny guy with the smile that makes my insides melt like ice cream on a sunny day.  He's tall and broad, and now I know he works out I like him even more.  Not that I like muscly guys with steroid fattened arms and pea heads, but it shows that he takes care of himself.  I like that.  It shows me he could take care of me too.

His dark brown hair is an organised mess.  He doesn't have a fringe, but his hair still falls into his face, and he doesn't use loads of products that make his hair rock hard like he's coated it in glue.  His one eyebrow bigger than the other is quirky and his smile is so heart-warming it makes me coo like a fan-girl.  He's different to any other guy I've come across before and it was clear from the start that I was drawn to him, even if he just pushed me away to begin with.  Now though, if his spontaneous kiss is anything to go by, he could find me just as interesting as I find him.  The thought is exciting and I will time to go faster.

I sit watching the TV as Tandy chats about her new shoes.  I nod and smile at regular intervals but I can't keep my mind off of Sam.  He's sitting at the breakfast bar, his notebook in front of him and a pen hovered over the paper.  I want to go and ask him what he's doing, but I can't stand the thought that I've made things awkward between us.  Sure, he's been smiling at me but I can't help feeling that it's just for show.  So Tandy and Ollie don't ask questions as to why we've gone back to our old ways.

It's time like these that I wish Alex was here.  I don't even have to say anything for her to know that something's up, and she won't push for information.  She'll just sit in silence with me, letting me mull over whatever is bothering me.  It's not Tandy's fault that I don't feel like joining in with her conversations, but I wish she'd just let me think.

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