85 - Sam

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Dedicated to Lynsey_Love for your lovely comment on the last chapter :)  It made me smile!

Song on the side made me think of Michelle and I think it fits the chapter.  Enjoy guys!

The cream dress lucks out but I'm not really bothered.  I liked the blue one more anyway and seeing Emmy get out of the limo and follow me into the restaurant where I'm determined to order the most expensive thing on the menu, only confirms my earlier decision. 

She's looks hotter than hot.  Scolding.  Ravishing.  Gorgeous.  Beautiful.  All the words I'd never thought I'd use to describe a girl before I laid eyes on her.

I hold Emmy's hand with pride as the waiter showing us to our table eyes her with a longing I've felt since meeting her.  His is purely lustful though and when Emmy moves to sit down I make sure to pull her seat out for her, showing the waiter that she's taken.  It's a typically masculine move but I don't care.  I'm smiling on the inside and out.  She's my girl and I love her and I'm never going to be able to tell her enough.

My lobster pasta dish costs as much as two new pairs of jeans, a new hoody and the shoes to match, but I don't care.  Neither does Tanya; it's Steven Walter's money we're spending.  Vince and Ollie opt for steak and Emmy orders lasagne.  It comes with three slices of garlic bread and salad and she looks at it with wide eyes as the waiter sets it in front of her.

"You're going to be a joy to interview," Ollie says, stabbing his steak with his fork.

Emmy raises an eyebrow, her first piece of garlic bread halfway to her mouth.  Her red lips are puckered, her dark eyes narrowed.  "Huh?"

"Garlic breath," Ollie continues.  "Lush."

She drops the garlic bread.  "Oh no."

"It's fine," Tanya says, delving into her bag.  "I bought mints."

Emmy's smile returns and I note how cute she looks as she bites into her food.  "Yum!"

We indulge in chocolate cake and banoffee pie for dessert, followed by ice cream, before Tanya pays the colossal bill and we head to the limo.  Even after three mints Emmy's still checking her breath as we slow down, nearing the venue.  I glance out of the tinted windows to see we've come to a halt behind a line of posh cars.  I start to wonder at what celebrities are inside them when I feel a hand on my arm.

"I'm so nervous," Emmy whispers.  Her eyes are wide, her lips in a thin line.

I rub my hand over hers.  "It's going to be fun," I assure her, filling my voice with as much enthusiasm as I can muster.

In truth I'm scared too.  I don't know how I'm supposed to react to rows of paparazzi and interviewers.  What if I mess up and say something stupid?  I don't want to risk losing everything we've been building towards.  It's like we're so close but still so far from reaching our potential.  Everything is pointing towards the album being the final hurdle; if it's well received then we've made it.  If I mess up, it could ruin the album sales and we'll be back to square one.

Realising I've been staring into the middle distance I blink out of my thoughts and look to Emmy.  She looks terrified; like a child waiting in line to get their flu jab.  Her face is paler than usual and her make-up's starting to sweat off thanks to a thin sheet of perspiration across her forehead.  I grip her hand tighter and make an attempt to swallow my doubts.  Everything's going to be fine.  My racing pulse seems to want to persuade me otherwise but I take a deep breath as I glance out the window again.  The limo's stopping and starting, pausing out its journey to let celebrities exit their cars to a wave of paparazzi.

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