42 - Emmy

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Dedicated to PotatoChips!  Enjoy :)  The wait may just be over...

Pic of Michelle on the side.

It's only ten minutes before Sam's back.  He leaves the door open and it's a good fifteen seconds later that Michelle storms through the door, slamming it behind her.

Sam heads straight to me.  There's a tired expression on his face and he seems stressed. I immediately wonder what's gone on since he's been out.  He pulls on a smile and my body shivers when I realise it's for me.

"Your chocolate, my lady."

I don't know if the my part is just teasing but I take the chocolate from him with a grin.  "Thank you," I reply, reaching up to hug him.  He seems to relax as my arms loop around his neck and I feel him sigh into my shoulder.

Ollie smiles as I sink back into my seat.  "Right."

I grin harder as I rip open my chocolate bar and break off a huge chunk.  "Want some?"

He shakes his head, his eyes on Sam as he walks to his room.  "I couldn't possibly take some of Sam's gift to you."

"It's just a chocolate bar," I reply simply.  "It's not a diamond ring."

"Don't give him any ideas," Vince cuts in and we all laugh until Michelle sets herself on the other side of the sofa I'm lounging on.  I'd almost forgotten she was still here; why she's still hanging around is a mystery.

Michelle's wearing a strangely placid expression and it makes me frown as I chew slowly.  She looks almost friendly.  Warning signals shoot off in my head and I keep my eyes trained on the TV.

The program we've been watching ends a few minutes later and Ollie and Vince move to the pool table.  I'm about to get up to join them when I feel a hand on my arm.  I freeze, slowly turning to face Michelle.

Her blue eyes are framed with dark make-up, edging up her intimidating demeanour.  She's wearing a tight blue top with a skull logo emblazed along the chest.  She shrugs off her leather jacket before crossing her legs, which are clad in black jeans, looking to me with a thoughtful expression.

"Are we friends?"

I stare at her like she's just told me I've win the lottery.  "What?"

She smiles a sickly sweet grin.  "I said are we friends?"

The sound of Vince trying to beat Ollie up with the pool cue distracts me for a moment but when I concentrate again I realise I haven't answered her question.  "Uh, no.  Not really."

She laughs but it's obviously forced.  "And why not?"

I shrug.  "Because you hate me."

"Whatever gave you that impression?"  She's looking at me like I'm stupid, her icy gaze making my skin goose-bump. 

"Well there's the fact that you stare at me like you want to claw my eyes out," I say offhandedly.  "Or the way you pretend to be all over Sam to get on my nerves."

Hearing Sam's name seems to jolt awake something inside of her.  Her smile, no matter how fake it had been, disappears.

"Oh, Honey.  You have no idea."

I frown.  "I'm not as dumb as you think I am."

She gives me a head to toer.  "Sure you aren't."

I feel myself getting angry. I haven't dealt with a mean girl like Michelle since school and even Stefanie Carr hadn't hated me this much.  She'd stolen my pencil case a few times and hidden all my pens, but I don't think she'd ever looked at me like she wants me to drop dead.

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