31 - Sam

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Dedicated to irittra!  Song on the side is Vince's theme :P

The next couple of days are spent trying to write a big hit that will propel Sketch into the depths of fame.  There's nothing more I want than the opportunity to make it big in the music industry.  I don't wanna be a band that tried and failed.  I want to make and it make it big.

Emmy keeps telling me that she's come up with an amazing song and, although I'm pretty sure she's teasing me, the fact that I can't come up with anything worth mentioning to the guys is starting to get me down. 

Ollie's assured me that Emmy's coming on leaps and bounds with her singing coaching.  I had contemplated going along with her to watch but the thought of singing with her still doesn't feel natural.  It's like I'm waiting for a final wall to come down before I can really be myself around her. 

She offers me an enthusiastic wave as she disappears out the door with Ollie, on her way to her third singing lesson.  I only let my smile stretch to full capacity when the door's closed and I'm alone in the room.  The fact that I'm supposed to be testing her seems completely stupid now.  Even though I'm still sceptical that her being in the band will work, memories of last time still haunting me, I can't deny that I'm starting to like her.  Maybe even more than I'd thought would be possible.

I stare at my notepad, scrutinising the lyrics that I've written so far.  I don't even know what kind of song I'm trying to write.  It needs to be catchy, that's a given, but as far as content goes it's verging on a love song.  My mind moves back to Emmy again and I bite my pen.  I know I pick on her sense of style, but in truth I like the fact that she doesn't dress the same as all the other girls.  She's wearing a black skirt and an orange blouse-thing today.  At least she wears colour.  Michelle went through a stage where she'd only wear black, much to the annoyance of the guy doing our photo shoot last year.

The sound of a door opening makes me look over my shoulder and I spot Vince sauntering out of his room.  The overpowering smell of body spray fills the room as he passes me to sit down.  It's obvious he doesn't plan on going out today so his need to gas me out doesn't make sense.

He taps my shoulder before he sits down opposite me.  "Avoiding Emmy again then?"

I roll my eyes at him.  "No.  She wants Ollie to go with her."

Vince gives me an unconvincing nod.  "Right.  So did you actually ask her?"

I reach for the remote and turn on the TV.  Vince ignores my attempt to end the conversation, leaning forward in his seat and drumming out a rhythm on the coffee table with his fingers.  The sound irritates me and disrupts my train of thought as I stare at my notebook again.

"You know you've got a drum kit for that," I snap, pointing to the corner where his drum kit is set up.

He shrugs.  "Maybe later."  There's a long pause where I try to go back to plotting a new song but the soap on the TV is annoying so I can't concentrate.  "Seriously though, man.  If you don't make a move soon, I might have to take her from you."

I look up, crooking an eyebrow at him in amusement.  "And who says she'd go for you?"

A look of indignation appears on his face.  He smooths out his dark blonde hair and I'm surprised that his hand doesn't get stuck in there with all the product he uses.  His bathroom shelf is twice as full as Emmy's and she's the girl of the flat.  I smile to myself.

"I wouldn't look so smug," Vince says, gesturing to my smile which isn't the least bit smug.  "I've seen the way she looks at me.  You can't say you haven't noticed."

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