10 - Emmy

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This part is dedicated to emovillatoro.  Thanks for reading :)

I needn't have worried about cameras being shoved in my face.  When we pull up outside of an expensive looking block of flats –all white stone and shiny revolving doors – the pavement outside is deserted.

It's been two hours since I left home.  Tanya had had to go through some paperwork with Mum and Dad, something about payments and contracts.  I'd felt overwhelmed at the thought of business like stuff, so I'd stayed with Tabs, assuring her I'd text once I was settled.  That meant I had to text her as soon as I arrived.

I look towards my phone in my pocket but before I can reach for it, the door opens and Tanya's smiling down at me, her eyes encouraging me to get out of the car.

I stretch once I'm on the pavement, rolling my stiff shoulders.  I spot one of the men in suits who had come to my house retrieving my bags from the boot but when I move to help him Tanya appears beside me.

"Leave that to Tony," she says, her smile widening.  "I want you to meet the guys."

The nerves start up again then.  I'd managed to keep them at bay during the journey, keeping my mind busy with sightseeing and listening to Tanya's conversations with Tony and the other suited guy, who'd sat in the back with me.  I think he's called Pierre.

Tanya reaches for my arm so she can guide me into the foyer.  It's big.  The desk is dark wood and the lady sitting behind it is all smiles as I'm lead towards one of the three lifts at the back of the huge entrance hall.  My feet echo on the hardwood floor.  There are plant pots dotted around, sprouting red roses and pruned ferns.  It's elegant and classy and so much tidier than my own room back home.  I tense.  This is home now.  Saying goodbye to my parents and Tabs had brought tears to my eyes, but it isn't like I'm never going to see them again.  They're reachable by car or train.  There's not an ocean between us.  And Tabs' has told me she'll be visiting as soon as she's got enough for the train fare.


I look up at Tanya and realise that Tony and Pierre are next to us with my bags piled high on a silver trolley.

Tanya seems to come to a sudden decision as she takes in my slightly awed expression.  "On second thoughts, why don't you guys go on up and let the boys know we're here.  I'm just going to have a little chat with Emmy."

Pierre and Tony nod and I watch them disappear into the middle lift before I follow Tanya over to a huge leather couch.  There's a glass table covered in an array of leaflets depicting things to do in London and I stare at it for a moment, a mixture of emotions rushing through my body.  I feel overwhelmed to say the least.

"I bet this is all a bit much, huh?"

I look away from a brochure for the London Eye to see Tanya smiling gently at me.  I nod mutely in response.  She's been nothing but nice to me since she arrived at my house this morning.  I'd been intimidated by her at first.  She'd been the lady with the angular bob at the auditions and I felt embarrassed as I remembered my enthusiastic dance routine.  It can't have been that bad though.  I mean, I'm sitting in a posh block of flats in London rather than on my couch, stuffing my face with crisps. 

"I bet you're a bundle of nerves.  You don't need to worry though.  They don't bite."

I smile and it's genuine.  I get the feeling Tanya's a good listener.  "It's just that."  I pause, trying to think of how to put it.  "I'm not the best at first impressions.  I tend to say the wrong thing."  Which is why I'd stayed quiet the whole journey.  I didn't want to have to sit in an awkward silence after having accidently offended one or more people in the car.  My bet is on Pierre.  I'd really had to stop myself from asking about his moustache.  It's almost a work of art - thick and curly at the edges - but somehow asking how he grew it seemed inappropriate seeing as I've barely known him for a couple of hours.

Tanya laughs for a second and I blink out of my thoughts.  "They're not going to judge you."

I want to laugh, but only at how unfunny her words sound.  Of course they're going to judge me.  I'm just some girl that was picked to be in their band.  They might not even want me.  It's not like they chose me personally from a line-up of girls.  Their management picked me, that much I know, and now I'm going to be thrust on them.  The best I'm hoping for is acknowledgement.  And not a door in the face.

"Just be yourself and you'll be fine."

I force myself to take a deep breath.  "I think I'm ready."

I'm not actually sure if that's the truth, but it seems like a better option than sitting in the foyer all day.  I mean, I could just set up camp here, but I bet the revolving door lets in a draft.  That and the huge windows don't exactly scream privacy.

I get up before my legs can protest.  This is it.  No going back unless I want to work in a supermarket for the rest of my life.  Which I don't.  That thought alone propels me forward and into the lift after Tanya.

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