33 - Sam

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Dedicated to HeavensRayne!  Thanks for the votes :)

This is my favourite chapter so far!  Also, I'm up to where I've written so my updates might not be so frequent and I have family visiting, but I'll try my best to post as soon as I've written the next parts :)

It's still only early afternoon when we leave Kevin's.  The sun's shining down over London, warming the air and putting me in a good mood.  I may not have come up with a new song yet but a sunny day never fails to make me happy.

Emmy's talking to Ollie behind me and Vince is on the phone to Holly.  I can tell that it's Holly, and not Jasmine, that he's talking to because he only ever calls Holly baby.  Jasmine prefers to be called honey.  I don't care what he calls them.  I'm just waiting for the fireworks to begin when he gets caught one day.  They're going to be epic.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I glance at the screen to see that I've got a new text from Tanya.  I read it quickly, noting that she's asking if I've managed to write a song yet.  I sigh but look to the clear blue sky to try and stop my mood tumbling.  It works and I take a calming breath.  Emmy's song isn't that bad at all.  There are a few parts where it could be tweaked, a couple of odd rhymes, but nothing that makes me think it doesn't have potential.  I'd stopped myself from telling her that though, not wanting her to ask about my own song, which is no longer than two lines at the moment.

"Sam?  I said do you fancy heading into town?"

I stop walking and look behind me.  Emmy's offering me a hopeful smile. 

"It's not like we've got anything else to do," she says.  "Besides, I've only ever been to London once before.  I've been stuck in the flat so far.  It'll be nice to explore."

Vince ends his phone call with a very sickening love you before he nods at me.  "The girl's right.  I'd much rather spend the day shopping in the sun than watching TV."

"Well?  What do you say?"

I look at Ollie.  This is one of the moments where I hate being the oldest.  I don't even know why they're asking me.  It's not like they won't go if I say no. 

Twenty minutes later we're on the outskirts of London's shopping district.  I've come along at the promise of getting to do some sightseeing but from the minute we step into the first shop I know my plan is out the window.

"Oh, I like these," Emmy says, pointing at a pair of black jeans not dissimilar to a pair she had on the other day.

"They're just jeans," I say, walking past her to head to the guys section.  I don't really need anything but I might as well look interested.  I don't want to be labelled as the boring member of the band.

"Yes," Emmy replies, coming up behind me.  "I guess you're right."  She runs her fingers over a shirt that I've just been inspecting before she smiles at me.  "I don't even like shopping.  I guess it's just the excitement of being out of the house."

"That makes you sound like an escaped hermit."

Emmy giggles at my comment.  It's not really a giggle though.  The word giggle makes me think of Jasmine or Holly and the annoying nasal laughs they do at anything Vince says.  Emmy's laugh isn't a laugh though.  It's gentler and soothing.

"So are you going to buy anything?"  She's pointing to the red and white shirt that I'm standing next to.  "I think it'll look nice on you."

"Are you saying you want to dress me?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at her.  It's suddenly dawned on me that Ollie and Vince are M.I.A and I look over Emmy's shoulder to see if Ollie's having to drag Vince out of the lingerie section like last time.  That hadn't been pretty.

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