44 - Emmy

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Dedicated to aGirlReader!

For half a second in the recording studio Sam had looked like his mind had been in another world, some place far away, but then he'd been back in the room, showering me with praise and making my skin tingle with kisses.

Ollie drives back and Vince spends the entire journey telling us what he's going to buy with his fortunes when Sketch hits the big time.  He's convinced that we're going to make it to the top.  I'm not worried about reaching the top.  Somewhere in the top ten will do me just fine.  Getting to that place is going to be hard work but as soon as we're over that hurdle I'll maybe start to let it all sink in.  I mean, if this actually works, if we pull it off, we're all going to be famous.  Maybe not A-listers at first, but who knows where we might be in five years' time.  Not that I'm in this for the fame or money.  Just having a career that Mum can be proud of is enough for me. 

Vince runs to his drum-kit as soon as we get back.  He's like a kid at Christmas, rushing to open his presents.  When he's seated on the stool he picks up a drum stick, pointing it at me with a serious expression.

"We need to jam, like now."

I laugh.  "Can't I even take my shoes off?"

He shakes his head.  "No time.  We need to come up with something that will make Tanya pass out."

"Emmy and I have already written most of the music," Sam says, tapping my shoulder as he passes me to get to the sofa.  I follow him and he pulls me into his lap.  "There's no reason to bust your only brain cell."

Vince feigns throwing the drum stick at Sam and I laugh.

"He's right," Ollie says.  "I mean, I haven't heard what you've come up with yet.  We need to hear it."

Sam throws his head back against the sofa cushions.  "But I'm tired."

I pinch his waist and he sits bolt upright.  "Don't be lazy," I scold him.

Vince laughs.  "Yeah, Sammy.  Listen to your girlfriend."

Sam's face contorts at something Vince has said but he snaps out of it just as quickly as he had at the recording studio.  I make a mental note to ask him what's up later, but for now I pull him up from the sofa, smiling when he pretends to fall on me, crushing me with a hug.

I like hearing that I'm his girlfriend and the fact that Ollie and Vince seem so cool with it only helps to increase my already good mood.

"Only for an hour," Sam says, his hands still around my waist.  "Then I wanna do something else."

My heart stutters when I realise he's looking at my lips.  I smile.

"And that something else has to do with secretly sneaking off to make out with Emmy, doesn't it?"

I watch as Vince raises his eyebrows at Sam like he's totally pleased with himself for working it out.

Sam laughs. "Well if you know what I'm thinking then it's not so secret, is it?"

"Guys," Ollie cuts in, just as Vince is about to try and reply.  "Can we practise before Sam's body shuts down at the lack of Emmy kisses?"

My cheeks warm as all three guys turn to look at me.  Vince is rolling his eyes, Ollie's smiling and Sam's still looking at my lips.

I step backwards.  "Where are the microphones?"

"We use hairbrushes here," Ollie says, gesturing around himself.  "No sound-proofing."

I think he's joking at first but then I realise he's serious.  "Oh.  Okay."

Sam closes the gap I've made between us, placing a hand on the small of my back.  "I prefer to use a wooden spoon.  Makes me look cooler."

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