30 - Emmy

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I feel the most happy since I've been here as I retreat to my room after eating.  I can still taste the amazing casserole that Vince made us for tea.  It was full of flavour; tomatoes and onions and spices.  Ollie says Vince only made something special to impress Jasmine, but she looks like the kind of girl who'd only be impressed if you bought her something shiny. It's obvious she's with Vince for the money and I'd chuckled to myself as she'd gabbled on about her upcoming birthday.  She obviously has no idea how poor the members of Sketch are.

I'd tried to get on with her but her whiny voice and school girl 'I find everything funny' laugh has drained me completely.  I'd caught Sam giving her disbelieving looks all through our meal, which Jasmine hardly touched.  She's probably on an oxygen diet or something.

I get a text when I'm pulling on my pyjamas.  I grab my phone from the nightstand and smile when I see Alex's name flashing on the screen.  I'd emailed her the day I left for London, telling her about Sketch, but I haven't heard back.  I scroll through the text, reading about her massive work load and nights out with all her new university friends.  I feel a slight pang of jealousy as I sit crossed legged on my bed, typing out a reply.  I'm glad that she's got new friends, and I know there's no way she'll forget about me completely, but it's the opportunities she's got that make me feel uncertain about my decision to quit education.  She can get a nine to five job at the end of her accounting course.  Me?  If Sketch fails then I'll be at the local supermarket for the rest of my life.

Things are looking up a bit, I muse, as I press send and lie back on the duvet.  Sam's actually smiling when I'm around him now.  That's not to say we're chums.  It still seems like he's holding himself back around me, like he's scared to let me see the real him all of the time, but I'm working on it.  We'll be besties in no time.

I laugh to myself just as Jasmine giggles loudly on the other side of the door.  I contemplate shouting for her to shut up but a knock on my bedroom door stops me, even though I wouldn't have done it anyway.

"Come in," I call, crossing my fingers that it won't be Jasmine looking for some girl time.  Mine and Alex's version of girly time was hanging out in the library after school or going to the park.  I leave the shopping and salons to Tabs.

The door opens and I smile when I see Ollie.  He leans into the door jam. 


"Nothing," I reply.  "Just texting a friend."

He nods.  "Missing them?"

"I haven't seen her in a while," I admit.  "She's at university."  I sit up, hit by a sudden thought.  "Actually, she's studying here in London."

Ollie grins.  "You should invite her over."

I grin back. "Yeah.  I might just do that."  I point to the lounge.  "How's Jasmine?"

He rolls his eyes.  "As annoying as ever."  He lowers his voice.  "Though she's not as irritating at Holly."

I raise my eyebrows.  "There's two?"

He smirks.  "Vince fancies himself as a bit of a player."

I nod, watching as Ollie's eyes roam around his old room, a little longing in his expression.  I haven't really changed it much.  I've added a few posters but that's as far as my stamp on the room has gone.

"You can sleep in here tonight if you want."

Humour glints in his eyes.  "Why, so you can share with Sam again?"

If he was closer I would have punched his arm.  "No," I say, but it comes out a little bit defensive.  "I just mean I wouldn't mind sleeping on the sofa.  This is your room."

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