103 - Sam

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I'd really like opinions on this part, guys!  Fingers crossed I got it right :)  Enjoy!

The look Emmy gives me is one I can't refuse.  Once she's done in the bathroom and heading towards bed  I hand Ollie my controller, declaring that I'm done for the night.  I join her once I've cleaned my own teeth, pushing against the door slowly to let myself inside.  Emmy's waiting for me in the lamplight, wearing the same smile as before only her eyes seem a shade darker.

"Have fun playing games?" she asks.  She's twirling her hair in her fingers and she blinks slowly as she waits for my reply.

"I won, so of course," I say.  I want to reach out and hug her but I walk to my side of the bed instead.  When she doesn't say anything, I pull my t-shirt over my head and drop it onto the duvet.

She's unabashedly looking at my chest, a smile tugging at one corner of her mouth.

I snap my fingers at her jokily and her gaze raises to my face.  "Are you alright?"

She nods before undoing the button on her jeans.  My gaze hones in as she slides them off one leg at a time.  Her jumper isn't quite long enough to cover her underwear and when I spot the orange fabric I swallow.  The familiar forbidden stirring starts in my gut and I quickly tear off my trousers before getting into bed.  I try the usual tactic of naming all of Sketch's songs in my head and my pulse seems to settle again.

Something's different about Emmy.  I don't know what her and Alex have been talking about but she seems to be suddenly aware of the way her state of dress makes me feel.  She doesn't turn away to shrug off her jumper but she pulls on my abandoned t-shirt from the duvet within seconds, not giving my brain enough time to process the image of her in just her underwear.  It's the closest to naked that I've seen her and I really like what I've seen so far.

Young. Wildflower.

I find my eyes drawn to her legs.  I've always had a thing for them.  The skin is creamy white and soft to touch.  I think of touching her legs, moving my hands up to her thighs.

Room for two.

She gets onto the bed, sitting next to me.  She tucks her hair behind her ear, exposing her neck.  The skin there seems even paler than her legs and I imagine I can see her pulse if I look hard enough. 

I sit up a bit and clear my throat.

"Are you alright?" she asks, turning the question on me.

"I was just thinking," I say.  "How God damn gorgeous you are."

Emmy tilts her head to the side and laughs before looking down at my shirt on her body.  She thumbs the fabric.  "I like this top."

"It looks good on you," I say quickly.  Too quickly.  I want to slap my forehead to try and knock some sense back into me.  I hate how she can make my brain melt on cue.

She laughs, the sound not unlike bells, before she shimmies under the duvet.    We're drawn towards each other instantly and I wrap my arms around her.  Her feet are cold on mine but I don't pull back, instead wrapping my legs over them to warm them up.


I nod, gazing into her eyes.

"You like me staying in your bed, right?"

"Of course," I reply.  "I love waking up next to you."

She smiles.  "Good."

"Why?" I ask.

She shrugs against the pillow.  "I don't know.  I guess I just started sleeping in here and never thought to ask."

I frown.  "You didn't need to ask, Emmy.  You're my girlfriend.  I want you in the same bed as me."  I stroke her hair and she leans in to kiss me.  It sends sparks off in my gut.  Her lips are soft and when her mouth opens against mine my head spins.

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