43 - Sam

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Dedicated to Insertxnamexhere!

Emmy stays in my room that night.  We spend the moments up until we fall asleep kissing until our lips go numb and nothing feels more right.  It makes me feel strangely complete to have her sleeping in my arms and when I wake up several times in the night, her scent is so intoxicating that it takes me mere seconds to return to my dreams.

I wake in the morning to the feel of fingers in my hair.  I snap my eyes open, coming face to nose with Emmy.  She smiles and carries on stroking my hair. I sigh and lower my face to her neck, kissing the skin below her jaw.  She giggles, sounding for a moment like Holly or Jasmine, but then when she snorts I realise I prefer girls who aren't afraid to be themselves.  I think Holly and Jasmine assume Vince thinks they're too girly to break wind or burp. 

The skin on the back of my neck is tingling with pleasure and I pull back to look at her.  "Stop before I kiss you to death."

She smiles evilly.  "Oh yeah?"

I nod. 

"Fine then," she says, breaking out of my arms so she can sit up.  "I'm going to get some breakfast."

I groan. "No fair."

She smiles as she stands up, straightening her camisole and shorts.  "Are you coming?"

I bite my lip as I watch her walk to the door.  "Only so I can carry on checking out your legs."

She rolls her eyes but I notice her blushing.  "I knew you had a thing for my legs."

I shrug against the duvet before I force myself to get out of bed.  "I'm too obvious."  When I reach her I hug her from behind, stooping to brush my lips across her bare shoulder, before I let her open the door.

I follow her to the kitchen, rubbing sleep from my eyes with balled up hands, and realise Vince and Ollie are already sitting at the breakfast bar.  It's impossible to keep the beam from my face.

"Biggest shit eating grin I've seen you wear in ages," Vince says after hastily swallowing his mouthful of cereal.

I shrug and pull down two bowls.  Emmy grabs the milk and then the cereal, making sure to face away from Vince and Ollie who are sniggering.

"Another spider in your room, Emmy?" Ollie asks.

She finally turns around to face them, tapping her spoon against her lips which just so happen to be the softest I've ever felt.  "Of course not," she replies.  "I spent the night in Sam's room because he likes me."  She raises her eyebrows.  "You know, like like."

We all laugh at her deadpan explanation and I take it as my cue to plant my hands on her waist.  She smiles up at me.

Ollie beams.  "I'm so pleased for you guys," he says.  "You're completely right for each other."

"How so?" I ask.

Vince holds up a hand to stop Ollie replying.  "Because," he says. "You're both sarcastic twits."

We all make it to Walter's recording studio around half twelve.  Emmy has a scheduled singing lesson with Stan and she convinces all of us to come along.  Not that she really had to convince me.  The promise of her staying in my room again tonight had me more than willing.  I don't plan on pushing things too far with Emmy.  I'm happy enough kissing her, the feeling leaving me on a high that seems to be topping up every time I look at her to see her glancing back at me.

"Does that mean Ollie can have his old room back?"

I look to Vince just as the lift dings, signalling that we're on the right floor.  "No, Emmy needs her own space."

"Why?" he argues. 

"In case she gets sick of hanging out with us guys," I reply.

He sighs in defeat. "Don't you mean in case she gets sick of you?"

Emmy hits him in the arm.  "That's enough from you today."  He opens his mouth to speak but she shakes her head.  "I can only do short doses of you."

We step into the hallway and Vince strides off towards room seven.  Emmy takes my hand and Ollie walks on my other side.

"You've got  a feisty one there, bro," he says.

Emmy sticks her tongue out at him and I squeeze her hand.

"I like my girlfriend's feisty.  It keeps things interesting."

Ollie raises his eyebrows at the same moment that Emmy stops walking, jerking me to a stop.  I turn to face her, taking in her vacant expression.


She nods her head at my voice. "Did you say girlfriend?"

Comprehension hits me like a truck and rub my thumb along hers.  "Yeah.  Why?  Is that a bad thing?"

She shakes her head. "No.  I mean.  I've never.  Yeah, it's great."

I smile as she beams and there's a new spring in her step as I guide her to the right room.  We're still holding hands when Stan greets us and I notice the way Todd looks put out as Emmy takes the seat next to me.

He must think the world's done a one-eighty since we came here last. 

It's different hearing Emmy sing the second time around.  Last week I'd had to pull on a frown and watch her while wearing a mask of disinterest when really I'd been dying to smile along with everyone else.  This time I can be myself.  I don't have to hide my grin and I can tap my foot to the music without feeling like I'm giving up the test.  Even the thought of my stupid test makes me laugh.  I'd been naïve to think that anything could stop me falling for Emmy. 

Half an hour in, when Stan's happy that Emmy's finally started to pay attention, concentrating on the music and not me, he suggests that we sing together.  We haven't sang in front of Ollie and Vince yet and the thought of finally cementing Sketch's new sound in everyone's ears makes me jump up from my chair, almost running to join Emmy in the recording side of the room.

She squeezes my arm as I take the spot next to her, adjusting my microphone so it's at the right height.  Ollie and Vince smile at us through the glass window and I can tell that they're just as excited as me to hear our voices.  Last time had been brilliant, magical even, but getting to sing in this environment is so different.  It's professional and serious, but as soon as Stan hits the play button and music fills our headphones, it's just like last time. 

I lift my left earphone so I can hear Emmy's voice and my heart thuds fast as pride and admiration rushes over me.  When it's my turn to join in I can only hear myself but I know that we sound good, watching as Ollie and Vince's expressions show the excitement they're feeling.  Even Todd, who's been unusually quiet today, manages to stretch his lips with a huge smile.  Stan still looks nonchalant but I know inside he's impressed, his naturally gruff exterior cracking a little with a tiny eyebrow raise.

I look to Emmy then and am met with her cool blue gaze.  For a split second my breath catches as old memories rise to the surface, but then I see Emmy again and any insecurity that I'd felt disappears at the sight of her breath-taking grin.

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