93 - Sam

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So I know it's been forever since I last updated, but I think it was for the best.  I needed time away from writing to fall in love with it again.  Seeing the Watty awards again has brought back the determination to finish Sketch and hopefully enter it. 

I'm sorry for sucking at updating and keeping in touch but I hope it was worth the wait.  I'd love to hear what you think.  Enjoy!

We're halfway through the plate of cookies when Ollie and Vince turn up.  Ollie looks tired, but Vince is on the phone and judging by the smile on his face I assume he's talking to Alex.

"Good, you're here," Tanya says, directing them to sit down on the last available seats with wild flaps of her hands.  "Now we can start."

"Start what exactly?" Emmy asks before clamping a hand over her mouth.  "Sorry."

Tanya smiles.  "It's fine, Emmy.  I was about to explain."

Emmy nods and cuddles into me.  I don't complain, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to pull her even closer.

"Yesterday was tough."  Tanya pauses, making sure that we're all listening.  "And it's not going to get better overnight or even this week, but it doesn't mean we should just mope around feeling sorry for ourselves."

In my head my speech I gave Emmy yesterday is replaying itself.  It must be harder for Tanya to say though; the cause of all of this is her daughter.

"And where is Michelle?"

I want to hit Vince for being so insensitive, but I'm kind of glad that he's asked the question I know we're all dying to find the answer to.

"She's moved out."  She clears her throat and resets her gaze, like she's trying to keep focus. 

Emmy's hand grips my arm tighter and I know she feels sorry for Tanya as much as I do.

"She's living in an apartment now."

The atmosphere in the rooms suddenly takes a nosedive to the floor, leaving me feeling uncomfortable.  I fidget, trying to work out what Tanya's not telling us.

"She signed a record deal and now she lives in an apartment owned by Walter's records."  Tony looks to Tanya as he speaks and when she gazes back at him I know she's thanking him for breaking the news to us.

Vince snorts.  "Like we didn't see that one coming."

"She got what she wanted," I say, hearing the jealously in my own voice.  "At least it was worth it then.  It would have been a waste if she'd ruined everything for us and not got anything out of it."

Tanya closes her eyes and I wonder if I've overstepped the mark.  Said too much.

"You're right, Sam.  Michelle's got what she wants, but don't let that distract you.  If anything, it should be motivation to work even harder to get back out there too."

"Before we're homeless."

It takes a second for Ollie's words to sink in.

"Are we being kicked out?"

Tanya looks pained; her eyes narrowing and her forehead creasing.  "I'm sorry.  The apartment came with the contract.  Now that doesn't exist anymore..."

"We're out on the streets."

"No," Tanya assures us.  "I've got somewhere lined up.  It won't be as fancy but it'll do.  Besides, you've got another two weeks before you've got to move out.  They can't just kick you out without warning."

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