8 - Emmy

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This part is dedicated to MareeAnderson.  Go check out her book, 'Freaks of Greenfield High'.  It's awesome :)

Also, the video on the side is Aiden Grimshaw's new song, 'Curtain call'.  It's got nothing to do with the story, but Aiden's the guy I picked to play Vince, so, yeah. 

"You know, those brownies are bite-size.  Not 'shove them in your mouth whole' size."

I laugh, spraying crumbs at Tabs. 

She grimaces for a moment before joining in with my giggles, almost rolling off of my bed as I snort into my pillow.

We're celebrating.  It took a good week, but Dad finally convinced Mum to agree to give the band thing a go.  They'd approached me after tea yesterday, Mum still looking a bit hesitant to have the conversation, but as soon as she'd given the band idea her blessing I'd launched myself at her, engulfing her in a hug.  Her expression had softened at the gesture.  

I get one shot.  If I mess it up, it's the local supermarket or some other job that I'm going to hate. Mum had made it sound like a threat but I know she wants me to succeed.  She's just proud.  She doesn't want to be the only Mum with a daughter that isn't working.  She still cares what the neighbours say.  I don't give a crap; when I'm making something of myself they can choke on their words.

"Do you reckon you'll be a millionaire?" Tabs asks.

"I'm not sure how it all works.  There's tours and merch and stuff.  I probably just get a cut of the album sales."

She nods, picking at a brownie and then dropping it again.  Her expression changes suddenly but the emotion only lingers for a second.

"Are you alright?" I ask, rubbing her arm over her school jumper.

She shrugs.  "I'm going to miss you."

My guts sinks and I feel my shoulders sag.  "Oh, Tabs.  I'm only gonna be in London.  It's not like I'm moving abroad."

"I know."  She sighs, widening her blue eyes at me.  "It's just gonna be rubbish without you here."

I know what she means instantly.  Neither of us have the most impressive social groups.  I have a best friend, Alex, but she's just gone off to university so I haven't seen her in a month.  We email occasionally, but I can almost feel the ties loosening. 

Tabatha's got friends, but nothing that compares to the connection we have.  It's going to be hard to be away from her.

"You can come visit," I say.  "I'll introduce you to Vince."

I wink at her and her cheeks flush a light pink that matches her socks, I realise, as she tucks her knees to her chest.  "Really?"

I smile at the excitement in her eyes. "Totally!"

She claps her hands and squeals.  "I can't believe you're going to be best friends with famous people."

I'm not quite sure if Tabs' definition of famous is the same as mine – I hadn't even heard of Sketch up until a week ago – but I nod anyway.

"Ollie looks really nice," Tabs continues, twirling a finger in her hair.  "Friendly.  I bet he'll be easy to talk to."

I hope so.

"I don't know about Sam, though," she says, a slight frown creasing her forehead.  "I mean, lead singers usually get all the attention.  There's definitely something about him."

Something I haven't quite been able to put my finger on.  Out of the three members of Sketch, Sam's the one that's been frequenting my thoughts the most. 

"Not as hot as Vince though."  Tabs sighs.  "You totally have to get me his autograph.  Promise?"


"Good," she says, leaning across me to snatch up the bag of brownies.  "You'll have to give me yours too."


She laughs as she pops a brownie into her mouth whole.  "So I can sell them to the kids at school."

A nervous tingle shoots up my spine.  What if I haven't thought this through properly?   Do I really want people asking for my autograph?  Paparazzi shoving their cameras in my face?  Magazines making up rumours about me?  I bite my lip but smile when I spot Tabs watching me.   It's too late anyway.  Tanya's picking me up tomorrow.

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