94 - Emmy

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I watch the DVD until it ends and the TV goes blank.  Tanya retrieves the disk and I can see her looking to the door which Sam disappeared through.  I didn't follow him, knowing the film must have bought back emotions that he needs to deal with on his own first.   Seeing Sam , Vince and Ollie looking so young was strange but it proves to me that they're serious about Sketch.  Not that their seriousness comes as a surprise but rather it raises hope; it means they're less likely to give up. 

I want and need Sketch to work but I've only really just started this journey.  They guys have been on this road for far longer than me.  This latest knock has hit them harder than me, but we've all got the same amount to lose. 

I feel the sofa shift and look up from watching Tanya and Tony talking to see that Vince has moved to sit beside me.  He looks strangely nervous and I smile to try and calm him.


"I asked Alex out just now."

I can't help my mouth falling open.  "Wow."

He nods.  "I know, but I've been thinking.  I really like her, and she likes me, so why wait?  Life's too short and this whole thing with Sketch has made me realise that some things are easier to get than others."

"And?"  I widen my eyes in expectation.

"And that's why I decided to ask her out."  Vince looks confused.  "Because if it's just a tiny, simple question, then it should be okay, right?"

I smile.  "I meant, and what did she say?"

"Oh."  He grins. "She said yes."

I squeeze his shoulder.  "Aww I'm so happy for you both!"  I beam at the thought of Alex becoming an official part of the Sketch family.  Now all we have to do is keep the Sketch family going.

"Yeah.  I'm glad she said yes," Vince continues. 

"How did you do it?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me.  I'm sure Alex will have texted me already with all the details, but I want to hear it from Vince too.

He looks suddenly sheepish; all of the usual Vince confidence gone.  "I kinda blurted it actually.  She came over to pick up her scarf she left behind the other day and she was in my room and she looked really pretty and I kinda just asked her out."

I giggle.  "Aww Vince you softie."

He chuckles, a little assurance coming back to his features.  "Well I had to say it twice; she didn't hear the first time.  I almost didn't repeat myself but I told myself to grow a pair and do it."

"And I'm happy you did," I say.  "At least there's something to celebrate at the moment."

Vince shrugs.  "Well I just thought, after this whole thing with Sketch failing for a second time, I didn't want to lose Alex because of it."

"She doesn't like you because you're in a band," I assure him.  "She likes you for you.  And your bum.  She loves your bum."

Vince blushes and I laugh.

"She tells me a lot."  I wink.  "A lot."

I've just made Vince turn a number of shades of pink when Ollie and Sam come back into the room.  Sam is laughing at something Ollie's muttering  and I look at Vince to see that he's shaking his head at the two brothers.

Sam kicks Vince out of his seat and settles back beside me and I notice that he's looking a lot happier than before.

I grin.  "I missed you."

He thumbs my cheek.  "I had to make a phone call," he explains.  "It's all sorted now though."

He doesn't expand and just as I'm about to question him Tanya speaks up again. 

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