11 - Sam

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This part is dedicated to Reekles.  Her book, 'Rolling Dice' is awesome.  Go read it :)

I look up from the TV when Ollie lets Tony and Pierre in.  My eyes are instantly drawn to the silver trolley piled high with bags.  How much stuff does a girl need?  I mean, where's it all going to go?

Vince seems to voice my concerns.  "Those bags are going nowhere near my room.  Unless the girl's willing to share my bed, of course."

Ollie sighs as he sits back down next to me.  "Guys, you've got to stop referring to her as the girl.  Her name's Emmy."

"I know," I reply, sounding a little more shirty than I'd intended.  I rub my eyes and sigh.  "Don't worry, I'm not going to storm off or anything.  I'm going to be as civil as I can."

"You shouldn't have to try," Ollie retorts.  "Put yourself in her shoes.  There are three of us and one of her.  Who do you reckon is more nervous?"

I feel suddenly ashamed.  It's okay to hate on the idea of someone destroying the band, but it's a bit different being a dick to someone's face.  She hasn't done anything wrong.  I repeat the sentence in my head as I move to the kitchen.  I pop open a can of orangeade, feeling the bubbles burn the back of my throat as I force half of it down into my gut, which just so happens to be a haven for nerves.

"What do you reckon she'll look like?" Ollie asks as Tony and Pierre head back out into the main hallway. 

Vince smiles.  "I'm hoping for a hot ass blonde."

"You're a pig," I tell him.

"And you're ready to send her packing before she's even set foot in the flat," he replies, regarding me with a weighted look that makes the guilt start up.

"I'm going to be nice," I assure them, setting my can on the breakfast bar so I can plant my hands on my heart over my black t-shirt.

"You better be," Ollie warns. 

I want to laugh but don't, just in case he takes it the wrong way.  He should have been the older brother.

The sound of voices in the hallway makes my pulse speed up and I shift on the spot.  She hasn't done anything wrong.

"Hot blonde."

Ollie punches Vince's shoulder just as Tanya appears in the doorway.  She's dressed in one of her usual pinstriped skirt suits, a huge smile on her face.  I almost stop breathing.  She's done nothing wrong. 

Her eyes sweep the room until she's sure all three of us are present, then she sets her handbag down next to the coat rack so she can clasp her hands together.  

"I know this has happened quickly."

No kidding.

"But we're going to make this work."  Her words are loaded with something and I guess whatever it is, is aimed at me. 

I look up from my drink to see that I'm right.  Tanya's brown eyes are on me, a sort of pleading in them.

She's done nothing wrong.

"I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

I open my mouth, ready to ask her about last time she'd said that.  The image of Michelle pops into my head; her black hair poker straight and her pale face set hard.  I swallow and bite down on my lip.

"So," Tanya says, like she's decided she's done wasting time.  "I'd like you all to meet Emmy.  Now, be nice."  She's saying it light-heartedly, but her gaze has slipped to me again, making the guilt start up for a second time.  Am I really a liability?

Ollie stands up, ready to welcome our new...  Our new what?  Friend?  Band member?  I'm not sure how I'm supposed to react when she walks in the door so I force on a smile but it drops when I spot her stepping around Tanya.

She's nothing like I'd imagined, though I'm not really sure what I've been imagining.  A snobby girl after cash, maybe.  Someone fake looking with an attitude problem. 

My first impression of Emmy, however, is none of those things.  Untamed blonde hair that reaches below her shoulders.  Wide blue eyes that make her look innocent.  She's slim, with legs that seem to go on forever.  Her black jeans are faded and well worn.  Her hoody's two sizes too big but I'm guessing it's intentional.  Her neon pink t-shirt is covered in black stars and her converse are dirty. 

My heart thumps hard in my chest.  She looks... normal.

"Hi.  I'm Ollie."

I pull back out of my gaze, conscious that I've been staring at her, to see Ollie walking towards her with his hand out ready to introduce himself.

I watch with curiosity as her nervous looking smile widens as she shakes Ollie's hand.

"Nice to meet you," she replies.

Her voice is soft and childlike and I immediately try to imagine what she sounds like when she sings.

"That's Vince," Ollie continues, pointing over his shoulder to where Vince is leaning forward on the sofa, his eyes roaming over the new girl.  He's sizing her up and he looks intrigued.

I frown just as I realise Ollie's moved on to introduce me.

"And this is Sam," he says, nodding towards me. 

Emmy turns slightly and her smile widens ever farther.  "Nice to meet you, Sam."

My head spins when she says my name and for reasons unknown my frown hardens.

She flinches back and Tanya moves a hand to her arm, almost in reassurance.


I blink at Tanya's voice and nearly knock my can over when I reach up to scratch my head.


I shake my head the slightest of bits like I'm trying to clear it.

Emmy seems to sense the uncertainty in my gaze but she doesn't flinch back again.  Instead, she seems to question it.

"What?  No nice to meet you too?"

I blink again, several times, at the brashness of Emmy's words.  And then, because  I'm not sure how I'm supposed to respond, I storm to my room.

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