87 - Sam

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It's safe to say Emmy was right to leave us behind when she went to meet her sister at the train station.  She pretty much forgets how to speak when Ollie and I introduce ourselves no sooner than she's got her foot in the door.  I don't even know how she manages to stay upright when Vince gives her a welcoming hug but judging by the look Emmy's giving her it's a miracle. 

Emmy pulls me back in an attempt not to overwhelm her sister even more and I watch as Ollie takes her bag from her and Vince offers to hang up her coat.  You'd have thought we had royalty visiting.  Being Emmy's sister though, Tabs automatically qualifies as band family.

"Do you think she'll be alright?" I whisper to Emmy as Ollie beckons Tabs over to the sofas.

Emmy smiles.  "Once she's gotten over the initial shock of meeting you all and seeing Vince in person, yeah, she'll be right as reign."

I nod.  "Good.  Vince has made lunch for us all."

It's only then that Emmy seems to notice the pasta and salad on the breakfast bar.  She bites her lip.  "She's really gonna fall in love with him now."

"Not when she hears his awful attempt at humour and smells one of his world-famous morning farts."

Emmy scrunches her nose and swats at my arm like my words have actually conjured up the smell of Vince in the morning.  "Sam!  That's disgusting."

I can't help smiling at her reaction.  "It's true though."

"I don't want to find out," she says, shaking her head and looking to the array of food again.  "That does look good though."

"It will be.  As much as I hate to compliment him, because his ego doesn't need to be inflated anymore, he is a good cook."

"That touches my heart Sammy boy, it really does."

I watch Emmy make her way over to Tabs and Ollie before rolling my eyes at Vince.  "You love yourself way too much."

"Confidence is a good trait to have."

"I didn't say it wasn't," I reply.  "But too much of it can get annoying.  No-one likes a cocky idiot."

Vince smirks and pats my shoulder.  "Lunch is up."

There's a rush of movement behind me and it seems I'm the last one to the table.  Tabs is clutching her empty plate to her chest as she watches Vince with a distant expression and I move around her slowly as not to startle her out of her thoughts.  Emmy notices and pokes Tabs' shoulder, encouraging her to take some food before Ollie and Vince devour it all.

Ollie's plate is piled high with pasta and salad and I give him an appraising eyebrow raise as he begins wolfing it down beside me.  For a skinny kid, he sure can eat a lot.  I spot Tabs watching him shovelling a forkful of pasta into his mouth.

"Now do you feel sorry for Emmy?"

Tabs seems to start at my words, her cheeks reddening and her eyes widening.  She blinks several times before looking at me again.  "Pardon?"

I smile, attempting to come across as friendly.  I don't mind admitting that I'm not the best at first impressions and I don't want to scare her away.  Having Tabs fit in means as much to me as it does to Emmy.  "Having to live with three guys," I continue.  "We eat like pigs and smell like them too." 

"Speak for yourself," Vince says, giving Tabs his best smile.  "I shower every day."

We all hear Tabs' sigh and Emmy finds it hard to hide her grimace.

Ollie sets down his fork and swallows his mouthful of food before slinging an arm around Tabs' shoulders.  "Vince likes to think he's all man, but really there's a girl in there dying to get out."

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