110 - Emmy

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Dedicated to I_Need_A_Better_Name for taking the time to message me with songs I should listen to :)  Thanks!

The park Sam takes me to is beautiful.  If I hadn't have been guided here, I don't think I would have found it.  It's small, tucked away behind a row of shops a fair walk from the flat. 

As I stare up at huge evergreen trees, looming over a bench and grassed area, I wonder how I've never seen them peering out over the buildings before.  They wouldn't rival a skyscraper in the city, but they're tall enough to be old.  They've watched the city change and I'd love to see what they've seen.  I reach out, placing a palm flat against the bark, feeling the rough and grooved surface.  I never thought I'd find something like this place around here and I suddenly realise how much I've missed open green spaces, with three parks within walking distance from my parent's house.

"I come here to think," Sam says, breaking the quiet that seems to fall around this place.  The sound of cars seems to be muted by the trees.

"Not recently though," I say.  "I'll be angry if you've been coming here without me," I add, raising my eyebrows in mock annoyance.

Sam smiles. His eyes glint under the streetlights as he pulls me down onto the bench beside him.  "Course not.  I haven't needed to come here since I've had you."  The look he gives me is so intense that I can actually feel my cheeks warming and I'm thankful for the semi-darkness.

I look away from him, hoping to cool my heated cheeks.  There's another entrance on the opposite end of the park.  I spot more benches too.  Wondering, I turn around and spot a small gold plaque on the back of the bench.

"To Mary, who came here to grow."

I look back at Sam, surprised that he's spoken.  "Are there others?"

He nods, getting up to follow me as I search out the other benches. 

"Brenda, for seeing the best in everything," I read.

"That's like you," Sam says, giving my hand an affectionate squeeze.

I smile.  "How about this one?"

"Sally and Arnold.  A place to grow old together," Sam recites.

I rest my head against his arm.  "How lovely."

Sam kisses the top of my head.  "I'd like a bench here one day."

"What would it say?" I ask, my eyes still on Sally and Arnold's bench.  Even in the dim light I can see that the wood is weathered and chipped, but it's still special.

"A place to think," he says finally.  "Or a place to live and learn."

I nod in agreement, trying to think of what I'd put if Sam asks.

"A bench is cool, but I'd like to have a set of swings here, too," he muses. 

"Wouldn't that look odd here?" I ask.

Sam shakes his head, pulling my hand to turn me around.  With our entwined hands he points to the corner of the park.  I blink, not believing I hadn't spotted the play area before.  It's small but well equipped.  I count a slide, a swing set, and a roundabout.

"There was a climbing wall too, but it got taken away a couple of visits after I found this place."

I feel disappointed I didn't get to see it but I still smile, moving towards the park slowly.  "I love swings."

Sam's hand leaves mine and I turn to look at him, eyes wide.  "Race you!"

He sets off running and I follow behind, laughing loud, not caring that it's early morning.

We're out of breath as we plant our bums on the swings, swaying back and forth until we've got the cold breeze in our hair.  It makes it even harder to catch my breath but I don't mind.  Having fun with Sam, seeing him smile so hard, makes the slight pain in my chest worth it.

I watch as he tries to swing even higher, not content until he's almost in line with the framework.  My stomach spins when I try to challenge him and I lose the competition easily.  Happy he's won, he slows down a little to match my pace.

I wonder if he knows that he's the one who keeps me going lately.  He's my constant that I can keep on looking back to when things keep changing.  He keeps me rooted.  Strong.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," Sam says.  He seems to be shining, his expression so complete and full of love.  It makes me shiver in realisation.  I'm his rock.  Everything he is to me, I am to him.  It's overwhelming to think that you're everything to someone.

"Don't bother thinking about it," I say.  "You do have me."

Sam jumps from his swing and comes to stand in front of me, his legs either side of mine.  I hadn't noticed I'd gone still, too deep in thought. He gazes at me for a short moment and all I can think is how much I love him.  Real love.  The stuff of fairy tales.  The stuff that lasts and burns bright.

"Forever and always?"

I don't even hesitate.  "Forever and always."

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