23 - Sam

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Dedicated to Jazzeroni01.  Enjoy!

I watch with annoyance as Stan talks Emmy through the procedure of using the recording booth.  She nods at his words, her hair swishing at her shoulders, and occasionally asks a questions with an interested smile.  She should look odd dressed in over ripped jeans and a long sleeved top that slips off of one shoulder, baring pale skin.  It shouldn't look good, but on her it works.  I shake my head and rub at my cheeks with my hands, trying to wake myself up. 

I don't want to be here.  The last time I'd been in a recording studio with a girl, Michelle, being the girl in question, had walked off and left us hanging.  I pray that the same thing doesn't happen today.  I don't want Emmy here but she's the last chance we have at keeping our recording contract.  If she leaves, Tanya will only find another girl who I'll probably hate more than Emmy, so I'm leaning towards making the whole thing with Emmy work.  Not that I'm going to tell anyone that.  I'm still going to keep the ass act up.  I hadn't wanted to cause a scene with the guitar just now.  It had just happened.  Emmy can rile me without warning and I'm ashamed to say that I like arguing with her.  I don't get to interact with her most of the time, due to my test, so our fights are the only time I get to look at her without pretending not to.

She straightens her top and my eyes are drawn to her waist.  She's not overly curvy but she definitely hasn't got the body of a boy.  My pulse lifts ever so slightly just as Vince crashes down next to me. 

"You've seriously got to get a girlfriend."

I raise my eyebrows at him.  "And why's that exactly?"

He rolls his brown eyes before fixing me with a semi-serious expression.  Vince can't do full serious.  "Just look at the way you're snapping at Emmy.  It isn't her fault that the entire female species hates you."

I hit his shoulder.  "Not cool, man."

He shrugs, trying to work out the deadness I've just punched into him.  "I'm being real.  The way you and Emmy are."  He pauses to check her out as she heads into the recording booth.  Todd follows her, pointing out the equipment inside.  He's checking her out too.  "It's kinda whack.  Like you're trying to piss her off."

"I am," I reply before I can stop myself.  When Vince doesn't react, I'm suddenly glad its him interrogating me and not Ollie.  Ollie would have caught my slip-up.

"But you're trying," he says.  "Like, you don't actually mean any of it."  He looks to Ollie, who I notice is listening to the conversation from the next chair over.

Ollie nods.  "Really, bro.  We've noticed."

I shake my head, frustrated I've been sussed.  "You guys have too many conspiracy theories.  You watch too much TV."

Ollie leans closer to me, resting his bare forearm on the back of Vince's chair.  "No.  You watch too much TV.  You don't get a girl to like you by picking on her."

I huff but really it's to hide the fact that I'm fighting a thudding heart and warming cheeks.  "Whatever."

"You forget that we're brothers," he says.  "I've known you all my life.  I can spot an uncharacteristic Sam move."

Vince ruffles my hair.  "I can give you some tips if you want?"

I shake him off and pat my hair back down.  "Guys, seriously.  Just shut up."

They both share a knowing look and I roll my eyes at them just as Todd reappears back into the main room.

"She's ready," he announces.

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