104 - Emmy

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Sam Smith's voice = LOVE.  Enjoy :)

We practise for what feels like forever.  The lyrics are the same as before, but Stan's improved the rhythm.  It takes Sam a little while to master it completely, but by the fourteenth run-through I've got my parts perfected.  Whether I can pull an audition off, however, is another thing entirely.

The only audition I've ever done that even comes close to the one we're on route to, was where Tanya scouted me.  Only this time, I'm going to limit myself where my dance moves are concerned.  I have a feeling the judges at the record label are going to be a lot tougher to win over than a room full of girls dressed in pink.

This time it's serious too and I've got three other people, four including Tanya, relying on me not to mess up.

Sam spots my legs bouncing up and down and places a hand on one of my knees to stop me.  My hearts seems to step off of the accelerator, easing my pulse a little at his touch.

"All we can do is be ourselves," he says, reiterating what he'd assured me last night.

We'd had a lengthy chat before sleep.  It had started with me convincing him that we were ready and ended with Sam trying to cuddle the worry out of me.  It was as if seeing how nervous Sam was suddenly triggered the terror in me that I must have been suppressing.  Now it seems like it's reversed, and seeing me trying to calm myself has set Sam's pulse racing.

The taxi comes to a halt in the London traffic and I smile at Sam before taking to look out of the window.  It's raining and I watch as the drops race each other down the window pane.  Refocusing my gaze, I can see grey pavement and lines of cars.  Red traffic signals and ominous purple clouds.  It's as if my mind is erasing any brightness outside of this taxi.  As is the last rays of bright hope inside are all that are left.  I shake my head.   I'm putting too much pressure on myself and I don't like it.  I don't usually worry about things, but then again I've never had anything so important to worry about before.  I was meandering all over the place before I joined Sketch.  I had no set plans or ideas for life.  Now I know exactly what I want and who I want with me.  I'm actually sticking to one path and it feels good.  All I have to do is make sure I'm not thrown off course. 

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