111 - Sam

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This is a new chapter.  I can feel it. 

The building that Tanya drives us to is impressive.  It's not as grand as Walter's, but it's better somehow.  I feel instantly at home as we're ushered into the foyer.  Instead of cold white walls and shiny floors that make your footsteps echo, this place is homely.  There's a huge fish tank on one wall, filled with tropical fish of every colour.  Emmy rushes to take a look, Vince close behind her.  Another wall is painted bright purple, similar to the colour that Emmy is wearing today, and covered in pictures and framed artwork that's full of life.

I cross the room to get a better look at the photographs, smiling when I hear Emmy squealing in delight, having found a Dory.

My eyes widen when I spot bands that I've heard of.  I was only listening to Haunted Vegas' new album this morning and here they are now, staring back at me from a press photo above a mantel decorated with various awards.

The desperation to make this place Sketch's new home is overwhelming.  It's not just a want anymore, it's a need too.  I wave Ollie over, pointing to what I'm staring at in disbelief and the light in his eyes only brightens when he understands.

"Holy shit," he whispers.  "This guy has actual bands on his label."

I nod, not quite feeling up to words.  A shiver of anticipation rolls up my spine just as someone comes to stand on my other side.

"What do you think?"

I look up at the guy from the café, still incapable of words. He smiles at my speechless expression, clapping a hand on my shoulder before pointing to the wall boasting a few of my favourite bands.

"Heard of any of them?"

I nod emphatically.  "Loads."

He smiles again, but it's not conceited or smug.  It's kind.  "I'm proud of what I've achieved since starting this company fifteen years ago.  It's been hard work, but the best things in life come after working for it."

I nod again, this time in agreement.

"How about you, Ollie?"

Ollie regains speech first, having been staring silently at the suited guy too.  "I'm amazed," he says.  "This is unreal."

"Mr Wallace?"

Tanya appears in front of me, breaking my gaze with the photographs and in turn snapping me out of my stunned state and bringing me back to the room.

"Ms Goldsmith," the man says, his voice full of warmth.  "Call me Jeremy."

Tanya nods.  "Jeremy.  Thank you for inviting us along today."

Jeremy smiles.  "It's my pleasure.  Like I said yesterday, I'm very impressed with Sketch.  I have a good feeling about them."  He looks from me to Ollie and then behind us to where Emmy and Vince are still entranced by the fish tank.

As if she feels us looking at her, Emmy turns around.  She smiles when she spots Jeremy standing with us.

"Shall we go upstairs?" Jeremy says.

Tanya nods and we move to follow as he crosses the foyer to the lift. 

Tanya and Jeremy talk in hushed voices as we're lead down a corridor on the fourth floor.  The walls are painted a sea green and yet more photos adorn them.  I spot Haunted Vegas again.  I can't even begin to imagine being on the same record label as one of my favourite British bands, so I swallow down the overexcitement in me and try to stay calm.  The guys and Emmy seem to be doing the same.  Nothing is certain yet and we don't want to set ourselves up for another fall.

Twenty minutes later though, I'm struggling to contain myself.  Jeremy has confided that he doesn't even want us to audition for him.  He's got contracts ready to sign and if we want we can have a recording deal by the end of today.

Tanya's welling up and Emmy can't stop herself from hugging Jeremy.  His face lights up with joy when she throws her arms around him and everyone laughs as they break apart.

"Thank you," Emmy says, her voice high with excitement.

"Is this for real?" Vince asks, shaking his head in amazement.  "This is crazy."

Ollie pinches Vince's arm.  "You're awake, dude.  We all are."

"Buy why us?"  I have to ask it.  It's in all of our thoughts.  This just seems too easy and having suffered knock-backs before I can't help feeling ever so slightly cautious.  I want to smile until my cheeks hurt but I hold back, just in case.

Jeremy sets his hands on the table we're all seated around, a serious look on his face.  His green eyes are open though, letting me in.

"I believe you have what it takes to make it in the music industry.  You weren't given a fair chance before.  It's tough for a new band, to break through and become known.  But you've proved that you're strong enough to take it.  You could have broken up when you were dropped from your previous label.  Believe me, plenty of bands have, but you guys didn't.  You stuck with it and that proves to me that you're serious about your career.  I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now.  My daughter's been a fan since the start, but that's not to say I knew who you were.  I didn't recognise you when I saw you in the café."  He glances at Emmy.  He remembers too.

"I recall seeing you on TV a couple of months ago and I couldn't seem to get you out of my head.  You fit. Then, when Tanya wrote to me asking if you could play at the charity gig, I couldn't say no.  It was fate.  I'm a big believer in things happening for a reason, and this is one of those times."

"This is mad," Ollie says.  "We thought we had it good at Walter's but this place is better.  You have some serious talent on your label."

Jeremy beams, showing off white teeth. It's obvious, from his clientele to the building  and his appearance, that he has money but it's not intimidating.  It's reassuring.  My mind starts listing all the things we'll finally be able to do as a band.  Release an album.  Go on tour.  Have merchandise. 

"Well then," Emmy says, hands on her hips. "Where do we sign?"

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